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Media - Medium of Communication to the Mass Population

Essay by   •  March 17, 2018  •  Essay  •  1,934 Words (8 Pages)  •  796 Views

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Media Dairy

Phase 2


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Table of Contents

1.        Summary        1

2.        General Use of Media        1

3.        Multi-tasking        2

4.        Traditional or Digital Media        2

5.        Preferred Channel        2

6.        Single Item that Stands out        3

7.        Learning about Media Usage        3

8.        Media Exposure        3

9.        Media and Emirati Culture        4

10.        Role of Mobile in Media Life        4

11.        Consumed and Produced Media        5

  1. Summary

Media is the platform that provides medium of communication to the mass population. Thus, it is the most effective way to convey a single message to the masses. Thus, the type of media that is generally utilized includes TV, Mobile Phone, Laptop, Landline, Ipod and radio. On the other hand, the most utilized types of media by me throughout the week as marked by my media diary were mobile and laptop. However, I generally use different types of gadget that includes Radio, Mobile phone, TV, Laptop etc. Yet, the most used media platforms by me are laptop as it helps in my studies and aids me in accomplishing the assignments in order to complete my degree program. On the other hand, the use of mobile is very high not only because it helps in communication but also it has number of applications that gives us the opportunity to know the world just by single click. Furthermore, I the utilization of laptop decreases on holidays whereas increase in the exams. On the other hand, the usage of mobile phone is less on the working days as most of the time is spent in the classes, however increases on the holidays. Therefore, I use these two media gadgets more than the others. However, the least utilized gadgets by me is of radio which is only been utilized in the car.

  1. General Use of Media

The usage of media in this technological era has become the necessity of the life. The survival has become difficult with no network or connectivity. Thus, the purpose of using the media has vast variety of reasons as mentioned below:

  • Communication
  • Entertainment
  • Awareness
  • Capturing moments
  • Updating activities
  • Sharing thoughts
  • Killing waste time
  • Reading books
  • Fulfilling Educational requirements

Thus, the mentioned purposes of the media illustrated that the use of the media is highly dependent on the user and their necessities. I use media according to my mood and requirement.

  1. Multi-tasking

The term multi-tasking refers to the concept of accomplishing two or more task at the same time. However, I am capable of carrying variety of tasks at the same time. Despite the fact, driving needs concentration, I listen to the radio and prefer to switch to the news and increase my knowledge of daily matters. Further, using mobile and connecting to the friends or giving updates to my mother are the tasks I daily do while driving to the university. Further, I also use mobile phone during the class lecture for different purposes. Sometimes I use mobile to take the notes and at other moments to communicate on the media. Furthermore, I also see videos while eating food and can also text my number of friends at the same time. In addition, the multi-tasking helps saving a lot of time. Thus, one of the most effective ways of accomplishing the tasks in life is multitasking; this is why I prefer to do number of tasks at the same time.

  1. Traditional or Digital Media

Traditionally, the media has different mode of conveying message that includes newspaper, printed magazines, radio and few limited channels. However, the digital media has revolutionized the modern world with new notion of connectivity with the help of website and emails. Thus, the websites has provided the access to vast variety of information. Thus, the use of digital media is high in the modern world. I also use digital media more than listening to radio or checking a newspaper. I prefer to watch video on YouTube and use Facebook and other social networking sites and informational websites.

  1. Preferred Channel

My preferred channel on TV is the Al-Ekhbaria, Arabian Travel Market channel because it provides the information of travelling to different places. One of the foremost reasons that I like that channel is because I love to travel the world and know more about the places in the globe. On the other hand, the use of TV is highly recommended for conveying the mass population.

  1. Single Item that Stands out

The single item that stands out in the various mediums to use is my mobile phone. The mobile phone is the only gadget that I rely on every time. While taking classes, or taking recipes for cooking, while reading a book or for the purpose of video calls. However, it helps to capture good moments and share them with my friends. Moreover, in order to kill my time I play games, watch different videos and also stalk other people including celebrities. Thus, the usage of mobile phone in my life is unlimited and I cannot survive without it.

  1. Learning about Media Usage

This assignment of making a dairy of media assumed an important role in my life. I could figure out how much I relay on the concept of technology in my day by day routine and way of life. This expanded utilization of devices has influenced me to acknowledge how unfortunate my way of life is. I can't go a solitary day without utilizing gadgets on the grounds that my hands are so used to of writing and of the virtual world. In addition, I additionally discovered that my accidental media utilization is likewise high. Despite the fact that I don't by and by settle on staring at the TV, I have a tendency to do as such when I am eating a feast with my family. This demonstrated that when I attempt to avoid gadgets and media there are different people in the house due to which I am impacted to utilize media. This is additionally the case with when I am in the auto in light of the fact that regardless of whether I am not utilizing the radio, my dad or sibling likewise have a tendency to tune in to the radio as a result of which now and then I need to hear it out too. This media dairy has influenced me to understand the significance and criticalness of media throughout my life in light of which I am amazed and now I intend to diminish utilization and keep it to an absolute minimum so I can have a sound way of life. I socialize every time with the effective utilization of my mobile phone.



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