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Medical Role Influencing Factors

Essay by   •  January 8, 2011  •  749 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,756 Views

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There are many situations where the procedures of a medical assistant were influenced by the assistant’s interaction, personal values, and orderliness. In addition, to be efficient in the medical workplace it is vital to recognize the necessary proficiencies, the manner of job, and the surroundings in which the job is carried out. Furthermore, there are eight factors that influence the role of the medical assistant. However, in this paper I will give explain three situations where the procedures of a medical assistant were influenced by the assistant’s personal values, orderliness, and interaction.

The first example of a situation where the actions of a medical assistant were influenced by the medical assistant’s involved the interaction factor. In fact, this happened to my mother a few years ago and my mother had just lost my father. Anyway my mother was in the waiting room, her arthritis was really bothering her and she was visibly still in mourning and to top it off another patient who knew my father was inquiring about how my father died. Well, the front medical office assistant saw that my mother was distraught and very uncomfortable about the whole situation. Well, anyway the medical assistant came out from behind the receptionist area, touched my mother warmly and inquired whether my mother would be more at ease waiting in another area of the doctor’s office. Needless to say this put my mother at ease. The fact that this medical assistant’s role was swayed by the condition of my mother was a very good indication to me of a model medical assistant. The medical assistant displayed to my mother that she really cared about my mother’s welfare and was dedicated to it, which is part of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) Creed (Marshall, 2004, p.18).

The next example of a situation of where the actions of a medical assistant were influenced involves the personal ethics factor. She is assigned the task of doing inventory of the test medicines to maintain a documentation of the medicine that is being distributed to patients and the ones that are to be disposed of because they have or are going to go bad. Anyway, she is having some financial problems and is having second thoughts of stealing the medicine. She thinks to herself �what could it hurt these pills are going to be discarded of anyway and I could make some extra income selling these pills. However, the medical assistant comes to her senses and does not steal the medicine. The medical assistant’s personal ethics proved to be good and trustworthy. She understood that stealing was not



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