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Men Of Honor

Essay by   •  November 1, 2010  •  1,479 Words (6 Pages)  •  3,392 Views

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An entrepreneur is a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture ( Even though this is the definition of an entrepreneur, there are also many other attributes that are missing. As an entrepreneur you must have a wide variety of traits which can not only help you in creating ideas but improve them as well. Risk taking and leadership are only a few of the many characteristics you should possess. However, the one trait that is a necessity in anything you do is passion. Without it not only will you become bored with your work, but you will have less of a chance of becoming successful. One film that shows this passion and dedication is "Men of Honor" starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Robert Dinero. Although these men never engaged in any traditional business transactions, these men still do posses many key traits of a successful entrepreneur.

Cuba played the role of an African-American man named Carl Brashear, who left his family and his home in order to join the Navy. His goal was to become a Navy Master Diver. Unfortunately at the time that this movie took place, colored people were still considered lower class citizens and therefore Carl had incredible difficulties achieving his dream. Bill Sunday, Robert Dinero, was one of the best Navy Master Divers. After an unfortunate incident while diving, Sunday was told that he would no longer be able to under go any pressure to his ears. Because of this he became a diving school teacher at a school where Carl later attended. One of the first times we see any traits of an entrepreneur is when all of the men on board the naval ship are swimming and Carl decides that just because he is black and on the kitchen staff, he should not be prevented from joining in. Taking no notice to others around him, Carl jumped into the water leaving the rest of the kitchen staff cheering him on. When the captain realized what had happened a diver was sent in to retrieve Carl. Against the captains wishes Carl turned and swam towards the buoy arriving there at a record speed, while the diver chased him from far behind. This scene immediately showed us that Carl is an independent thinker. He knows what he wants and will go to any length in order to achieve it. Characteristics such as determination and leadership are presented as you watch Carl in this scene. Already, you know that Carl will be a success; not because he has to, but because it is what he wants.

A much smaller yet incredibly significant point in this movie would be when Carl was looking for help in order to pass his written exam at diving school.

As a diver Carl was extremely hands on. The first in water test, he had not only accomplished quickly but he saved another man's life in the process without even being recognized for his heroic action. However, as far as intelligence went Carl only held a seventh grade schooling level and many had said a pass was unfeasible for him. Before the exam Carl went into town searching for a tutor. When Carl previously discussed this with a librarian she had replied with a negative response. Nevertheless, after going directly to the source he found another option. Once again the answer was no. Carl was unable to accept this and by negotiating, and being patient the help Carl had searched for had finally emerged. Carl listened attentively and even helped motivate the tutor by showing her that her help was necessary. After much needed studying Carl passed the test with a 76%. This led Carl to the next step towards completing his dream.

Carl had many problems while trying to reach his goal. His main challenge was Sunday. This man never let Carl forget that he was different. He did everything in his power to make Carl fail the course; on the other hand Sunday was still a civilized man and therefore wouldn't go far enough to physically destroy Carl's life. Carl's last test in diving school was to assemble a part of the diving suit under the freezing water. Although Carl was the first diver to find his flashlight and project he was the last to receive his tool bag. In a final twist of fate, the men threw down Carl's tool bag but not before slashing a hole in the side allowing all the tools and supplies to sink separately. Most men would have given up but Carl persevered. Finding every piece and working slowly Carl remained under water while every other diver surfaced. The top navy commander gave orders to Sunday to make sure Carl didn't get back up until he stopped moving. Sunday was unable to follow these orders and worked on motivating Carl to surface. Carl was determined to finish the task and refused to leave until it was done. He didn't say he couldn't finish and he never once complained about the unfair situation. Instead, he stayed put until the task at hand was complete. Nine hours later Carl appeared, shaking and slightly blue. He climbed out of the water, but not before showing the group, that had gathered, his completion of the project. Thus, making Carl an official Navy Diver.

Soon after, Carl graduated diving school. He began receiving jobs on navel ships. While away, on mission, he left his wife, Jo, and their son



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