Mermaids Case
Essay by justin • December 19, 2012 • 2,031 Words (9 Pages) • 1,681 Views
A new life form has been discovered, one that could prove to have answers to questions of life, history, or even evolution.
What I will elaborate on will include indisputable evidence that challenges the vary theory of evolution. Evidence provided by pristine scientist from around the world; Placing possibly our most direct and still living ancestors to date, into the deepest and darkest part of the sea that has yet to even begin to be explored. I will provide facts and evidence so substantial that our very government has sought to cover the truth. A truth so monumental that it forces our nation to impose in, on our constitutional rights as Americans; stripping evidence and scientific documentation from some of the most respected scientist in the world, and bold face lying to the American people to hide the real truth. Mermaids are real.
The fairytales that have captured our minds as children have most recently been proven to have more than just a hint of truth, atleast one has. With stories from pirates and fisherman from around the world alike. depicting half human half fish creatures emerging from the darkest parts of the ocean. The bed time story of mermaids begain to take shape.
With no evidence of existense until now. This left hudreds of questions that once had scientific proven answers at a new teatering point. Are humans really from apes, and what about a god that left no evidence or documentation ever mentioning such a creature in existance, but prohpicies of an apocalypse. maybe we have had it wrong all these years , and instead of looking for answers twordas the sky we should be looking down into the cold abyss of the ocean. With only less than five percent of the ocean explored.(oceanservice.noaa)
April 4, 2004, a day that has absolutely no real value to any person. But it's not just the date that holds value its where. In Washington State on this day it will be one that is remembered as one of the largest mass whale beaching in United States history.( and whales all lay motionless on the shore, with blood stained sand under their stationary bodies. This has become there final resting place.
Shortly after the beaching a marine biology team from the National oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) located out of Seattle Washington, was immediately sent to what can be described as a mass grave site. Including over fifty different species of whales and multiple dolphins all lay disbursed across the beach.
The NOAA team arrived in hope to find the actual cause to this catastrophic event.( the NOAA research team was respected biologist Dr. Brian McCormick. Working diligently and alongside fellow colleagues Dr. Paul Robertson and Dr. Rebecca Davis on this mass beaching.
Dr. Brian McCormick a prestige scientist had no qualms with heading this project; in 1999 he published his land mark study linking mass whale beaching with Navy sonar weapons testing. Less than one year after he published his study in 1999 the United States Navy suspended all testing in early 2000.
The scene described by Dr. Paul Robertson is one that you would imagine to be out of an early science horror film.
The NOAA team ascends to the top of the sand dune overlooking the largest beaching in United States history, what can only be compared to as a mass marine grave site. The whales and dolphins lay motionless scattered across the coast . high speed winds blow sand into the faces of the NOAA team obstructing their view. The team made a decision to proceed down the dune to obtain a better view; Once close enough the NOAA team was able to observe a group of United States Navy individuals in full body hazmat uniforms from a distance.
The Navy team had cordon off a section of the beach and worked with complete disregard to the other beached animals. NOAA quickly realized that no samples had been removed from any of the bodies of the whales or dolphins that lay dispersed along the beach front, and that no attempts of any sort of an autopsy have been performed.
Amongst NOAA's findings they were also able to conclude that all the whales had blood running from their ears, something that has also never before been seen in these large numbers.(Dr.Davis) What this meant is that all of the specimens suffered from some kind of severe trauma, But from what?
NOAA worked diligently to solve this mystery. During this research period NOAA discovered that a boui that was used to record sonar in the ocean was within range of the entire event., and they found exactly what they were looking for. The boui in the ocean did indeed record the entire event.
Sounds of innocent whales and dolphins at play, in their habitat was initially presented through the recording. Shortly after was a deep bellow that echoed through the ocean bottom. No sound fallowed this deep howl heard throughout the ocean,only silence. Seconds fallowing, a sound that later discovered to be a sonar blast that rips the tissue apart on a molecular level used in Navy weapons , specifically designed to immobilize submarines and cripple the crew. Once this weapon was deliberately blasted at the whales and dolphins, Only shrieks of what can be imagined as cries of agony and suffering played across the recording.. A audio recoding of a mass killing. A killing that was later deemed to be caused by the United States Navy, during their weapons testing. The blood from the beaching was on our own nations hands. To include many other beaching locations.
What good did come from the sonar recording was going to make imprint on the world of science. A sound only heard one time prior to this event in 1997.
On this recording Dr. McCormick discovered a sound that has not been heard since 1997, and is the only unidentified sound by the NOAA deep-sea acoustic research program in fifty years.(oceanservice.noaa) the recording was dubbed "the bloop" . A sound signature from a unknown creature.
Was this what the navy had discovered at the beaching and worked so diligently to secure?
Months after this discovery the NOAA team was sent out to an awkward call. A great white shark had been captured by local fisherman, but it was more than just a shark that was caught the attention of the NOAA team, it was what was inside that truley shocked the team.
At first glance of this massive predator suspended lifelessly from the hooks anchored to the deck, Dr Paul Robertson noticed an object impaled into