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Methodology Paper

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2.4 Research Gap

From exploring the previous literature review and examining the two variables “Transformational leadership and job satisfaction” there was a huge gap which was the limited scope of search, it was found that a lot of researches studying the effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction in many countries such as Pakistan and Ethiopia, however no researches were conducted in Egypt about this matter, thus the research question is “What is the effect transformational leadership on job satisfaction in Egypt?”. In this research the independent variable is transformational leadership while the dependent variable will be job satisfaction.

3. Methodology

Since the scope of the application of transformational leadership is limited in Egypt, Thus a causal explanatory research will be conducted in order to answer the research question which is “What is the effect transformational leadership on job satisfaction in Egypt? A causal explanatory research is a type of research in which the researcher tries to explain the relationship between the variables (Cooper and Schindler 2014: 127)

According to Cooper and Schindler (2014:146) a quantitative method which is a survey will be used thought out the methodology part to answer the research question mentioned in the research gap. A quantitative research provides an accurate way to measure variables and is usually used in business in order to test business variables such as consumer behavior, knowledge and attitudes, consequently a survey will be used for numerous reasons; According to Cooper and Schindler (2014: 218-219) a survey is a tool that is used to gather information during a structured interview, surveys are usually used to be able to develop a comparison between the participants by checking their similarities and differences.

Background information about the variables

From the previous literature review it is obvious that the independent variable is the transformational leadership, while the independent variable is job satisfaction.
As mentioned before in the literature review transformational leadership is defined as a motivational type of leadership which enjoys a clear vision that encourage employees to achieve organization’s goals and their goals, that could happen through establishing a strong relationship with subordinates, getting to know their needs and help them to achieve their goals and needs.(Fok-Yew 2015: 367), According to Shibru and Darshan (2011: 285) transformational leadership is the method by which normal people can bring out the best in themselves and the others; they also added that the main goal of transformational leadership is to change both people and organizations stated that transformational leader ship is the way that people bring the best out from themselves and the others.

While job satisfaction was defined as the feeling of achievement felt by workers who are happy with  their jobs and do it well(Saba 2011:2), moreover according to Mustapha and Zakaria (2013: 20) added that job satisfaction is a non-financial reward that employee earn aside from his income as a result of his performance.

Job satisfaction is measured through many measures for example employee turnover, Mbah and Ikemefuna (2012: 276) defined employee turnover is defined as the series of events that results in the employee leaving his job or the replacement of the employee, Moreover Foreman (2009: 356-357) stated that most of the studies stated a negative relationship between employee turnover and job satisfaction, another measure of job satisfaction is job performance, Judge, Thoresen, Bono and Patton (2001: 376) stated that the relationship between both job satisfaction and job performance is one of the most respected researched aspects in the field of industrial-organizational physiology, Kemal (2015: 117) added that job performance is an indicator of overall organization performance as it has been proved that satisfied employees tend to be more productive.

Instrument design

To test whether there is a positive or a negative relationship between both job satisfaction and transformational leadership a survey will be developed. This should be mentioned at the beginning of the survey, also participants will be informed that their answers are completely confidential and shall not be shared in public, only the results will be publically shared.

The first five questions aim to measure the level of job satisfaction among the employees of the companies. The first question aims to discover whether an employee is satisfied with the salary he gets in comparison with the work he does (Neog and Barua 2014: 307; Janićijević, Kovačević and Petrović 2015: 76), the purpose of the second question is to check if an employee feels that the promotion opportunities in the organization are sufficient (Qasim, Cheema and syed 2012: 35), the third question is to determine whether an employee believe that his coworkers are helpful and cooperative (Alshitri 2013: 4), the fourth question is to specify whether the employee believes that the working environment of the organization is healthy (Neog and Baura 2014: 308) the fifth question is a ranking question to test an employee’s intention to leave the organization(Mbah and Ikemefuna 2012: 276)
The second part of the survey consists of  4 questions that aim to test the how transformational employees are, the sixth question aims to test if the employee thinks that he is creative
 (Shibru and Darshan 2011: 286), The seventh question

Employees will be my target group as they are more likely to experience job satisfaction or dissatisfaction through transformational leadership. The number of participants will be about 100 employees, the criteria for choosing the participants will be convenient since the sample will be chosen from multinational companies in Egypt as unlike most of public sector employees in Egypt, multinational companies’ employees have the enough knowledge about job satisfaction and transformational leadership so they will be more able to answer the research question through the survey, According to Cooper and Schindler (2014:  359) convenient methods are named like this as researchers have the freedom to choose any type of people they want, convenience is consider the least reliable sampling method yet it’s considered the most inexpensive and the easiest to perform. The sample will include both men and women aging between 22 and 60 as usually people retire at 60 in Egypt, the survey will be distributed in 4 multinational companies including P&G and Uniliver and 2 other multinational companies, Non-Random probability sampling will be used to choose the type of employees who can best answer the survey, Non-probability sampling is when the participants are chosen based on a previous established criteria, which means that not all the population will be chosen only those who will match the criteria will be chosen to participate in the survey(Cooper and Schindler 2014:  343).within the multinational companies the employees who participate in the survey will be chosen based on probability sampling in which employees are chosen randomly with no previously established criteria, Cooper and Schindler (2014: 343) stated that the key word for probability sampling is ‘random’ as participants are usually chosen randomly, moreover probability sampling is the only type of sampling that it’s results can be generalized.



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