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Inquiry paper; Metrosexuals in society

The Metrosexual Overview

Mertosexual, another word for a feminine strait male. According to he is usually a single man in touch with his feminine side, grooms and buffs his head and body which he "drapes in fashionable clothing both at work and hitting an evening hotspot." He also has to stay up to date with the latest hairstyles, before the newest trends, and the right shoes. He may confuse some guys when it comes to his sexuality, makes many of his metro peers jealous when it comes with success with the ladies. He also impresses women who in turn enjoy his company with the qualities that make him a man. It has seemed that the magician the metro sexual has concocted some of the same qualities that homosexuals have been using for years in order to become chick bait.

The word metrosexual is something I have just recently; say in the past two years heard. I saw a website (works sited page) that claims that it has been around since the mid ninety's. However considering I was pretty young I never recall being exposed to the word. I think this could have been for any number of reasons, mainly the age but also because we are not exposed to the language in Idaho for years after it is initially started.

Metrosexual Pioneers and the evolution of metrosexuality

The earliest pioneer for metrosexuality were gay men, this began in the 70's and from the little knowledge started back with the village people. Not to say that the village people themselves were gay but they made an impression on male masculinity to start become mainstream for decades to come.

Now that I have been thinking of the term it brings back the image of vanilla ice whom was popular during that period. I would say that the most obvious idea of metrosexuality is the hair, but if you look at the whole style of the shirt shoes and pants I think that this is what people in the ninety's were talking about when the word metrosexual was first being brought in to the language. This said, metrosexual is not just defined as someone who pays attention to how they look. All performers must take care of how they look to perform. The fact of the matter is that metrosexuals have a feminine characteristic which is what makes them stand out from someone who is strait or a conglomerate of characteristics that make them more feminine. From what I have read this can include such things as having your nails done, or having a pedicure.

Chris's theory of Metrosexuals

Although I have know way of backing up my opinions with facts I would just like to add some of my observant opinions into the mix on the whole idea of metrosexuality.

I think that there are two kinds of metrosexuals out there. Those males who grew up with women who were never really exposed to the pressures of male stereotypes, such as how men dress or behave around other men. I could maybe see a situation like this if you were to say grow up with a sibling that was either a sister that was very looked up to as a dominate role model. Or as an extreme example a transvestite.

The other types are the ones that found out that they might be able to get more sex if they go along with this" fad", which is currently a hot topic. Everyone has known these people there whole life. I think that it is hard to argue that now gay traits are also a hot topic, and that the whole idea of being metrosexual is just perfect for everyone out there that want to be a part of the gay bandwagon. Now that being metrosexual is cool they are free to look and act gay without having to have the balls to say they are. Now they have all day to talk to girls about what women think is interesting. Men can now comment on things that they find interesting such as gossip and shit like that. Now the two are having a conversation other then sports or video games as a stereotype. I think in the light of today's day, 2005 metrosexuals are just using this as an excuse to get in a woman's pants.

Sometimes it seems like the only thing holding straights back from full equality with gays and to a certain extent metrosexuals is the fact that most restroom facilities are not yet co-ed. Maybe this could explain is also why hetero sodomy has become such a hot topic of today. Not to say that it hasn't been a hot topic I the past it just seems that it has become more and more a topic of discussion. These days my straight male friends talk of no other kind of intercourse. I think much of the influence is caused by the pornography business, but I think everyone saw that one coming.

Metrosexulism is not just for those in need of women. And because I like to look at the whole spectrum of ideas when it comes to making an inquiry I would like to also add that my opinions certainly do not apply everyone in the world. Lets take for example David Beckham is the ideal person opposite of what my opinions enforce. He is the captain of the England soccer team at this year's World Cup in Korea and Japan. Now I know in the USA soccer is a big deal but that's about it, when you are talking about the rest of the world in sports comparison wise, soccer is basically like football and basketball in our country combined. He is also big into the advertising industry.

"The Beckham advertising phenomenon, however, goes beyond the usual cash-in, slightly wooden product endorsements of sporting stars. Beck gives the impression that he'd do it for nothing (except the attention); he's a sporting star who wants to be a model."

Before going to a tournament across Europe, he posed for a gay magazine according to his website he is famous for almost for wearing thongs and pink nail polish, and panties belonging to his wife. This sure doesn't sound to me like someone heterosexual, but he also states that he is not bisexual either. Now that we get the general idea about who this guy is, it's easy to see how my ideas about metrosexuality are negated, but that why they are my opinions.

Metrosexuals and Hollywood

Although I cannot say that I have seen metrosexuality first hand in Hollywood I can certainly think of an example or to in some movies over the years. In Fight Club for example, you see a film that looks like a high grade multimedia men's magazine fashion shoot. Brad Pitt, who started in Fashion modeling turned pretty boy, and one of the most famous metrosexual males, leads in



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