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Mgt 350 Critical Thinking: Strategies In Decision Making

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Work Related Problem

University of Phoenix

Mgt 350 Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making

September 22, 2005

Work Related Problem

Brief Background

Employee's performance: Employee known as Jane had a past romantic relationship with the owner of a small company. The owner broke-up with this employee just recently, however, Jane agreed to keep her position with the company provided she will perform her duties and responsibilities in accordance to company's expectations. In addition, she will have to demonstrate her ability to work well with others in a professional manner. The office manager explained to Jane that her performance will be evaluated after a month and also made her understand in the event she failed to perform her job responsibilities, the company will have to let her go. Jane threatens to sue the company for sexual harassment if she will be let go from her job. In framing this issue: It is very clear the manager lacked the skills and ability to hire a qualified employee. When it comes to finding the right person for a job, there are obvious qualifications that are considered that often relate directly to a job, such as a person's previous work experience or education. Other qualifications that don't always relate directly to a job and that must be considered as well, and these qualifications are often both harder to identify and harder to assess. One essential qualification is the ability to work well with others and attitude is another important qualification.

Triggering Events

Shortly after the 'break-up' the company started receiving phone calls about permits not being pulled for jobs to begin construction and due diligence was not being performed, which includes: paying school fees, utilities turned on, water rights, etc. On a monthly analysis of one financial report, revealed Janes expenses were extremely higher than usual. . She starting using her cell phone to make personal calls out of the country, using company gas cards over the limits set, no documentation being turned in for mileage expenses but demanding $700.00 per month for reimbursement. Jane also began to stop answering her company cell phone and also not responding to faxes.

Applicable Components of Critical Thinking

There are several major components to critical thinking. Without these components a proper resolution can not be found. The components



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