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Misfits And Socrates

Essay by   •  July 4, 2011  •  1,372 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,081 Views

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The Misfits and Socrates both have different views understanding the consequences of their actions their both have determination how they live. The misfit seemed to know more than the grandmother knew about religion and the belief system. But he had the same problem that is a predicament of today’s world it is that there is no physical evidence of anything beyond what is evident around us. The misfit’s complain is “ain’t a cloud in the sky, turn to the right. It is just a leap of faith that we, like the misfit must accept.” Socrates believed that, although he was wrongfully accused, he was given a fair trial through the eyes of the law. The fact that he was given a fair trial means that he was given a fair punishment. If this punishment is not carried out, justice will not be served. Escaping punishment would cause a conflict between his teachings and his actions. This would affected the moral reputation that Socrates had built for himself throughout his life. Misfits are belief are simply of there’s no physical evidence it’s not true or real unlike Socrates he lives his life on laws and his own teachings, Socrates basically lived by the law and died by the law.

Socrates, arguably the greatest philosopher in all of history, can also be one of the most confusing people to try to understand. His way of thinking was so far from his time he was considered to be corrupting the people he came in contact with during his life. But, was he corrupting or improving society. He appears to contradict himself on many different occasions during The Apology. But is he contradicting himself or do we need to look deeper into his words to understand the point that Socrates was trying to get across. Socrates claims to have no wisdom. He quoted, “I know I have no wisdom, great or small.” This was in response to the god of Delphi saying that no man is wiser than Socrates. But Socrates does say that he knows some things; for example, “The life which is unexamined is not worth living.” This is a wise statement, but Socrates claims to have no wisdom. He still believes that he has no wisdom because of the way he sees the world. To Socrates, the world has an numbers of possibilities and anything he says to know is extremely minimal compared to the possibilities. Socrates does not believe he is wise, he is still very wise. To be able to say he knows nothing because he can see the potential of the world and the potential of humans is extremely wise. Socrates was also knowledgeable and intelligent. He was able to have peaceful arguments with so called experts in any field of work and prove to them that they really do not know what they think they do. Socrates could not have had this effect on the people with a firm grasp of knowledge on the topics he argued about. Knowledge and intelligence do not constitute wisdom but Socrates has all of these characteristics.

In the elegant universe Brian Greene explains how the universe works and does all these experiments testing nature and its law and how the universe was tested by that law. If a apple is thrown up in the air what goes up must come down. Socrates is somewhat related to elegant universe, he was a man of wisdom and he followed the laws no matter what that’s why he was so untroubled he threw up his teaching and corrupted the society. In a way he threw up his beliefs so society would know but it came back to down on him on trails and he had to deal with consequences. Strangely enough he wasn’t afraid of the death Socrates didn’t run even though he had the chance to. Relating back to elegant universe on how the universe was made and how the laws of nature stay the same it didn’t change because something bad happens this is how the universe was made. In Socrates time this is what he world was like he followed all the laws he basically lived by the laws and died by them. If Socrates ever did escape his trails and of his teaching and beliefs would have been meaningless. Socrates wasn’t afraid of death because he still had something to prove even in death his teaching and beliefs wouldn’t be worthless he knew from the beginning this was going to happen Socrates had a control over his fate and accepted from what has been giving to him.

The ending of a Good Man is hard to find literally, the Misfit is just a man who has had a rough upbringing and because of his experiences in life has been twisted. He is seen as a character determined to kill for pleasure, consequently, causing



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