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Mld Kam Altech 2016

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Assignment Cover Page

Name:                        Jan Janse Lourens Becker

Student Number:                9446        

Company:                        Altech NuPay


Programme Name:        Bill Venter Academy CERTIFICATE (MOTI) APPLIED TO Key Account Management        

Module Title:                        Management Leadership Development

Module Dates:                2016/06/28 – 2016/06/29

Facilitator Name:                Joshua Bhengu

Submission Date:                2016/07/10

List at least five online references:


Book, Journal or Article

APHIS Leadership 


Robyn Benincasa 

Lily Zhang 

Wall Street Journal stories 

“The Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray, published by Harper Business.

NAME:                Jan Janse Lourens Becker

STUDENT No:        9446        

COMPANY:                Altech NuPay

PROGRAMME:        Bill Venter Academy CERTIFICATE (MOTI) APPLIED TO Key Account Management

MODULE TITLE:        Management Leadership Development

MODULE DATES:        2016/06/28 – 2016/06/29             

I acknowledge, by ticking the appropriate box below, that before submitting this assignment I read the Learning Contract provided at registration in terms of the following:

  • Plagiarism

[I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, unless otherwise stated.]


  • Learning Outcomes

[I have reviewed the outcomes and understand the content of this module and have integrated and applied this content in my assignment.]


  • Level Descriptors

[I have reviewed the level descriptors for the learning level of this programme and integrated them into this assignment.]


Signed: Jan Janse Lourens Becker with ID. 890420 5095 081

I acknowledge that by submitting this assignment electronically I have de facto signed the declaration that the work is my own unless otherwise stated

Date: 2016/07/03

Table of Contents

  1. Pre-work assignment
  1. Introduction
  1. Management of Technology
  1. Management of Innovation
  1. Management of People
  1. Managing the systems way
  1. Conclusion

Pre-work assignment

What I have learnt is that there can be so many ideas regarding management and leadership that it can confusing. I have started to think that there could be many ways to do things and I have to find the right why that suits my personality. I have come across a few concepts that can be used in order to get the right results. My understanding of management and leadership is the different ways of managing in order to get the right results. I needed to follow a leader and learn how the manager manages in order to progress. Therefore I say one cannot lead when you have never followed someone in their leading or management way. This means that I have seen how managers do things and how they lead in order to be followed by the employees without any one complaining. Understand the principles of managing and leadership in order to be followed. This made me realize that I need to change in to have the success in leading the team. By leading I will need to improve my knowledge as the employee need to see how I approached things. I will be implementing solutions in order to make the work load easier for all. By easier I am saying work smarted not harder, this will help in creating more space and this will create innovation. It is essential to be able to lead and manage at the same time. To manage a team you have to have the basic principles to keep innovating and developing, and to lead you have to have the knowledge to teach and influence the knowledge and experience of others.  This all comes down to efficiency and effectiveness.


I will be discussing the 4 management and leadership styles and what they mean. This will also show a clear understanding by proving that it can be used in practical.

Management of Technology

Managing Technology is all about the mindset. Having the need to adapt as time changes it should also change you as an individual. Being proactive an evolving as time changing will ensure that the company stays ahead of its competitors. Always improve and test concepts and try new ones. Make sure to implement the new decision made as soon as possible before it the idea fades away. The change has to be sufficient and be effective in the company for it to work. Also to be tested and making sure to track the process.  (APHIS Leadership 2002:32)



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