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Essay by   •  June 1, 2011  •  1,080 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,026 Views

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Difference in mass and in complexity.Ð'--

The comparisons between the sexes, of course, admit of subdivisions parallel to those made in the comparisons between races. Relative mental mass and relative mental complexity have chiefly to be observed. Assuming that the great inequality in the cost of reproduction to the two sexes, is the cause of unlikeness in mental mass, as in physical mass, this difference may be studied in connexion with reproductive differences presented by the various races, in respect of the ages at which reproduction commences, and the periods over which it lasts

Difference in mass and in complexity.Ð'--

The comparisons between the sexes, of course, admit of subdivisions parallel to those made in the comparisons between races. Relative mental mass and relative mental complexity have chiefly to be observed. Assuming that the great inequality in the cost of reproduction to the two sexes, is the cause of unlikeness in mental mass, as in physical mass, this difference may be studied in connexion with reproductive differences presented by the various races, in respect of the ages at which reproduction commences, and the periods over which it lasts

. Imitativeness.Ð'--

One of the characteristics in which the lower types of men show us a smaller departure from reflex action than do the higher types, is their strong tendency to mimic the motions and sounds made by othersÐ'--an almost involuntary habit which travellers find it difficult to check. T

. Incuriosity.Ð'--

Projecting our own natures into the circumstances of the savage, we imagine ourselves as marvelling greatly on first seeing the products and appliances of civilized life.

We need to transcend our differences and creating loving relationships.

but men prefer economic-based goals and women want socially satisfying pursuits

Men, Women Get Equally Jealous

But Given a Choice, Infidelity Is Worse for Men

Sexual infidelity brings out the same jealous reaction in men and women according to a Northeastern University study. These new findings debunk the myth that jealousy over sexual or emotional infidelities is gender-related.

Man vs. Woman


Women: They mature much faster than men. Most 17-year old females can function as adults.

Men: Most 17-year old males are still trading baseball cards and giving each other wedgies after gym class. This is why high school romances rarely work out.


Women: A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and soccer games and romances and best friends and favorite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams.

Men: A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

Women's Complaints about Men

1. They are not understanding enough.

2. They are not sensitive to feelings and needs.

3. They are not affectionate enough.

4. They tend to bypass sexual foreplay, and are quick to ejaculate thus losing their sexual interest, before the woman is satisfied.

5. They do not communicate enough. They do not express their feelings and thoughts.

6. They do not pay enough attention to their partners.

7. They do not spend enough time at home with their children.

8. They do not help with order and cleanliness of the home.

9. They do not appreciate the work involved in keeping up the home or in bearing and bringing up children and do not compensate this contribution to family life.

10. They make decisions about work and life without regarding the woman's or the family's needs.

11. They create extramarital relationships.

What Men Can Do to Help Their Relationship Partner's Feel Happier

(Most lessons are, of course, for both sexes.) Men can learn to:

1. Be more understanding and sensitive of her needs.

2. Be more affectionate, tender, affirming and loving.

3. Approach her consciously and sensuously allowing their mutual sexual energy to gradually develop.

4. To communicate more openly their thoughts, feelings and needs.

5. Spend more quality time with their children.

6. Help out with the cleanliness and order of the home.

7. Appreciate, and where necessary, financially reward their partners for work done in the home.

8. Include all the family in decision making.

9. Be monogamous.

10. Understand that her criticism is often a function of the fact that her needs are not being fulfilled.



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