Essay by 24 • April 22, 2011 • 1,421 Words (6 Pages) • 1,178 Views
Dear mom,
I am sorry for the way I have treated you in the past. I know it has not been the greatest and I could really improve on that. I yell, and curse and scream. I have a bad temper. I can't help it. I promise that I will try to treat you better from now on. I know I say mean things. Honestly, it is just because I'm mad and caught in the moment. I love you more than anyone in the whole world. You're my mom and no one can ever take your place. You need to understand that I am growing up and I need some room to breathe. I will try harder with my school work. I promise. Don't worry, I will have all A's by the time I am finished with it. I am not going to get good grades because of you either. I want them for me because I want a good future. I want you to know, that I don't hate florida because you are there. I hate everything about florida. The people, the temperature, the lifestyle, everything. I have finally started to make new friends here and I don't want to leave them because every time I leave my friends for even a little while, they forget about me. I have no friends in Florida anymore. Taylor even took me off her top 8 friends and put Jill on there. Everyone has boyfriends, I have no one. I am finally beginning to have some nice friends and you want me to leave them. I am finally becoming close with the family and you want me to leave them again. I wasn't with my family for 8 years and don't you think it is important for me to be close to them? Don't cry and tell people that I don't love you because I do. I love you more than anyone in the whole wide universe. You're my mother and aunty Suzie can NEVER take your place. You have to know that. I love you like a mom and auntie Suzie like an aunt. It's different. I like it here. When I come back to florida, I am not going to be doing anything but laying in bed all night and watching tv with you. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with you, but too much time is a bad thing. At first it will be fun watching movies together and eating popcorn and hanging out all night long, but then we will start to fight more than usual. You know I love hanging out with you. You're not only my mom, you're my best friend. But you have to understand that I need my own friends and my own life. That is one of the main factors in growing up. You need to give me some space sometimes and let me have my own friends so that I can be my own person and not depend on you for the rest of my life. I am getting older and you know that. I was sick for three whole months and I still get sick sometimes. Don't you think it's hard for me to get sick all the time and have to worry about forgetting to take my pills and worry about what I eat ALL the time. It really puts a damper on my life. Its hard living like this, with sicknesses and drama all the time with mommom. I know for a fact, that if you moved here, there would be a hell of a lot less drama. Mommom would stop getting involved and making up rumors to make you and aunty suzie fight because you know she does that. And I Know you think mommom loves me, but I know she really doesn't. You're the ONLY person mommom really cares about. She only takes care of me because you love me and want the best for me and she wants you to be happy and she knows that you're happy when I am happy. That's why she does things for me. And please don't tell mommom I said this stuff because I don't want to get a call from her about it or a talk from her about it. She's my grandmother and I have to love her, but I don't have to like her. And she has to love me, but she doesn't like me. If you were in my shoes and saw how mommom looks at me and treats me, you would understand what I was talking about. Our family loves to baby their children and do everything for them. I know you would do anything for me and want the best for me and auntie suzie would do anything for Andrew and Lauren and mommom would do anything for you. But sometimes you have to know when to give your kids a little space to grow up and meet their own friends and live their own lives. I know I am still young. I am only 15, practically 16, but these are the most important years of my life and so far they have sucked.