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Essay by   •  November 24, 2010  •  647 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,035 Views

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The Worst Two Week Ever

John Doe

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During the course of my # years of life there have been many ups and downs. Like the time I had Spinal Meningitis, or the time that my closest and dearest friend died, but though they have struck me and struck me hard, the one that has stuck with me the most is the time that I was bitten by an insect on my cheek. It was a horrible and terrible experience that I don't think I'll ever be able to overcome. To this day, I will not go to the hospital unless I'm not able to stop those that are taking me.

The day started as any other playful child's day would. I was playing with some of my toys in front of the garage. After awhile of playing I was bitten, unknowingly. I didn't think anything of it because of my well-known ability of being accident-prone.

Some time later I was feeling a little hot and tired, so I went into the house to cool down and get something to drink. After I went into the front door, mom almost flipped out and had me to lie down on the couch, because unknown to me my left check had swollen.

About an hour, or so, later mom and dad got scared so they took me over to the hospital. Dr. Sunga looked me over for other bite marks, or anything that could tell him what had bitten me. I was a little freaked out because I wasn't a big fan of the hospital even then. I didn't let him touch if I could avoid it; I clung to mom like he had a gun. Later I calmed down and they admitted me a couple of hours later. Over the course of the night my cheek had swollen to about the size of a small baseball with no sign of slowing down.

Dr's Name then made the decision to have me flown to the Carbondale hospital by helicopter. Unfortunately there was a large storm between Hardin County and Carbondale, so I had a long trip in the ambulance. Mom has told me that it took about an hour or



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