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Essay by   •  April 11, 2011  •  307 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,448 Views

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The definition of motivation is to impel to action. To be motivated is a challenge in this day and time. One must realize what influences them, whether it is positive or negative. Motivation requires self discipline, and a scope of self actualization. Therefore, perceptual wise, regardless of the situation and/or circumstances, your thinking evolves to the next level; whereby you will be able to determine what basically impels you, to go beyond that which is expected. This empowers you to continue on to reach your goals through self determination and aspirations. Motivation also starts with dreams or a vision. Without someone having a dream or vision, we would not have the life we have today.

For example, Martin Luther King had a vision that all men are created equal. This vision was instilled in him at a young age that perception was everything. This training was rendered, by his parents, which impel or caused Dr. King to move. Here's another scenario, as I was growing up, I went through difficulties in life. Many said I wasn't smart, I would not be anything but a high school drop out. But, they were WRONG, through setting standards and goals for myself and using the constant motivation from my mother, to meet and exceed my standards and obtain my goals, today; I have meet and exceeded all of my standards and of obtain my goals and continue to strive for excellence. I have gone through things that no child should have to gone through but, I used those disadvantages, to my advantage; I used them as a growing point, and that alone is motivation. Here is a thought, you confronted by insurmountable opportunities, but it is up to you to take heed.

My challenge to you today, is to dream dreams, have vision, find purpose and exceed all expectations!



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