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Movie Analysis

Essay by   •  November 6, 2010  •  1,109 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,683 Views

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Mitch Ryan A. Jusay Submitted to:

I-Faith Mrs. Navera

I. Setting

At first Jesus and the 12 apostles were in a dense jungle praying. The 2nd setting is in Jerusalem. The 3rd setting is in on "the skull" where Jesus was crucified.

II. Characters and Roles

1. Jesus - The Messiah, God's son.

2. Peter - denied Jesus 3 times.

3. Judas - betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

4. Pontius Pilate - the one who ordered the guards to punish Jesus.

5. Mary - Mother of Jesus.

6. Simon - helped Jesus carry the cross.

7. Veronica - wiped the blood of Jesus' face.

8. Satan - tempted Jesus.

9. Caiphas - the leader of the High Priest

10. Claudia - wife of Pontius Pilate.

III. Sufferings of Jesus

1. Jesus was betrayed by Judas

2. Jesus was beaten by Temple Guards

3. Jesus was rejected by the very people He came to save

4. Jesus was scourged

5. Jesus was mocked by the soldiers and crowned with thorns

6. Jesus was Crucified

7. Jesus was condemned to die

IV. Why did Jesus Have to Suffer?

Jesus had to suffer so that we will be saved from our sins. He has to suffer all those tortures because of us, because of our sins. He has to suffer so that we will be free from sin again.

V. Lessons Learned

I learned that having faith in God and in Jesus is really important. I have based this on the man who got his ear cut off by accident, he has faith in Jesus that is why Jesus miraculously placed his ear back to its place.

I also learned that lying is a sin that must be avoided. Like peter, he was warned by Jesus that before the cock crows he will deny him 3 times. Peter already knew what will happen but it was a sin he cannot avoid.

VI. Part of the Movie You Liked Best

The part of the movie I liked best is when the high priest paid for their sins when Jesus was "killed" on the cross. There was an earthquake the whole building they were in collapsed. Only the good people survived that tragedy.

VII. Part of the Movie You Liked Least

The part of that movie I liked least is when Judas committed suicide. Even though he has sinned against Jesus he can still be forgiven. Even sinner can be used for salvation.

VIII. Opinion & Comment

VIII.1 Do you like the movie explain

I liked this movie because it can touch you in many ways after watching it you get the feeling of changing for the better. Definitely this movie is one of a kind.

VIII. Will you recommend it to others

I will recommend this movie to others, but I will not recommend this movie to the weak hearted they might have heart problems while watching this movie because this movie is heavy to bear.

Mitch Ryan A. Jusay Submitted to:

I-Faith Mrs. Navera

I. Setting

At first Jesus and the 12 apostles were in a dense jungle praying. The 2nd setting is in Jerusalem. The 3rd setting is in on "the skull" where Jesus was crucified.

II. Characters and Roles

1. Jesus - The Messiah, God's son.

2. Peter - denied Jesus



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