Essay by 24 • December 28, 2010 • 3,030 Words (13 Pages) • 1,217 Views
- Focus Sweden -
Term - Paper
Patrik Цstlund, 805671
Prof. Dr. Joerg Mehlhorn
Creative Problem Solving
Business Administration
University of Applied Sciences, Mainz
1th of March 2007
Table of Content
1.1 Summary
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Delimitation
2. Twelve Theses - In Swedish
3.1 Funky Business, talent make capital dance
3.2 Infinite Innovation
3.3 Total Innovation
3.4 Innovation through Speed
3.5 Innovation through being Smart
3.6 Innovation through Listen
3.7 Innovation through Adopting
3.8 Combine Heterogeneity and Homogenises
3.9 Sensation Strategies
4.1 SUF - Svenska Uppfinnarfцreningen (Swedish innovation association)
4.2 Incensement of new innovation creates necessary growth
5.1 Lars Olenfeldt
5.2 Lateral Thinking
5.3 Stupid Ideas
1.1 Summary
When I started writing this term paper I was searching after creativity unique for Sweden. I quite soon realised creativity has to be seen from worldwide aspect and that the Swedish Innovation association SUF has similar focus as IFIA, the international association for innovation.
The development of our society has a global approach with technological advancements every day. This leads to fast changes. To stand still is the same as falling behind. In competing effectively we need to be creative. Adopt in time.
In the long run we are chanceless without creativity. What many forget is that almost every company or organisation started from a good idea, especially shorter memories in big established organisations.
The world and its environment are pushing changes harder and quicker ahead. Being able standing up strong against these changes require fresh ideas, preferably faster and better ideas than the environmental forces are generating.
1.2 Purpose
With this term paper I would like to wider my understanding of why creativity/innovation is important and when it is necessary to be creative/innovative? What can be done to support my own and others creativity? How complex is creativity/lateral thinking? What are the driving forces behind?
1.3 Delimitation
This term paper are delimitated to Funky Business, a book considering and arguing of where the society is leading on a global level, everything in how to survive and being successful today and in the future.
My other focus been on SUF - Svenska Uppfinnarfцreningen (The Swedish innovation association) and one popular lecturer from Sweden named Lars Olenfeldt mainly dealing with lateral thinking and creativity.
2. Tolv Thesis
1. Alla har kreativ begеvning vilken varierar i typ och nivе.
2. Kreativa talanger Ð'r oftast hцgre hos barn fцr att tendera avvikande med еlder.
3. Kreativitet Ð'r baserat pе kunskap, erfarenheter och fцrstеelse; den tar ocksе fцrdel av undermedvetna kÐ'llor.
4. RÐ'dsla och brist pе frihet i en arbetsmiljц kan tungt hindra kreativitet. Kreativitet skapas som bÐ'st utan hÐ'mningar med beredskap och modighet fцr fцrÐ'ndringar.
5. Kreativitet kan utvecklas inom en person och stimuleras likt begеvning genom insyn, erfarenhet och utцvande.
6. Originella och varande lцsningar kommer ofta frеn konfrontation av andra kunskaper och erfarenheter istÐ'llet fцr mer djupgеende problemarbetande.
7. Den kreativa fцrmеgan har en tendens av att stÐ'rkas och еteruppbyggas i en konstruktive grupp.
8. Genom trÐ'ning och kreativa tekniker kommer antalet originella och kvalitativa idйer att stiga betydligt.
9. Kreativt tÐ'nkande och beteende bidrar till motivation och leder mot framgеngsrika resultat. Det ger mer mening och sjÐ'lvfцrverkligande еt individens liv.
10. Kreativitet Ð'r hjÐ'lpfullt under hela vеra liv; den stцdjer oss i professionella uppgifter, i konst och den privata sfÐ'ren.
11. Kreativitet Ð'r kÐ'llan till alla uppfinningar; den medfцr en bra levnadsstandard och sÐ'krar individens och samhÐ'llets rikedom.
12. Kreativitet Ð'r en outtцmlig resurs som aldrig kommer att torka ut.
3.1 Funky Business
Funky Business is dealing with the business environment of today and forecasts of its future. Today we live within a society of surpluses in production with fast changes in technology, institutions and values which the authors of the book emphasises as the three driving forces. This is why innovation getting more and more important.
3.2 Infinite Innovation
Infinite innovation is necessary for businesses in being successful. It is about maximising the values for owners inside and outside the company. Companies can never say: "we won its over" it is never over. The business world is Infinite. Even if you win a race it is just to wait for your competitors to cross the goal line as well. It is difficult to create a sustainable competitive advantage in the endless world we live in.