Essay by 24 • March 9, 2011 • 761 Words (4 Pages) • 1,103 Views
Fakulta managementu UK, Katedra stratйgie a podnikania
(Faculty of management, Comenius University,
Department for strategy and entrepreneurship)
school year 2007/2008
Strategic Management
semester 9 - course in English language
Teaching: Mgr. Peter Karбcsony
Goal: according to syllabus for Strategic Management from prof. Ing. Jozefa Papulu, CSc.
* lectures : final test - 70 points
* course - total 30 points:
1. Presentation of a chosen topic (from syllabus) - 10 points
2. Seminar paper submit in printed form - 15 points
3. Active work on seminars and participation in discussions - 5 points
1. Thomson,J.L.: Strategic Management. Thompson. Fourth edition, London 2001
2. Hitt,M.A, Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R.E.: Strategic Management. Competitiveness and Globalization. Thompson, South-Western, 2005
3. Johnson, G., Scholes, K.: Exploring corporate strategy.
* are chosen from the following list or in agreement with the teacher. Once chosen the topic is mandatory and the student must present it on the given date.
* presentation should last max 15 minutes and should be followed by discussion
* the form of the presentation is free - suggested is Powerpoint, hand outs are optional
* each presentation should cover the topic from general point of view, or present the minimal theoretical knowledge needed for further discussion. Each topic should also be presented on practical examples, which should further explain the topic or problem.
List of topics for presentation:
(The literature mentioned here is optional, you may choose other if you find it more relevant.)
1. topic - Strategic management and globalization
a) Developments and trends in global economies and their dependence on social change and globalization tendencies. (Drucker, Peters, Gates)
b) Successful and unsuccessful business in the 21.century. Comparison between European and global businesses (Papula, Porter, Minsberg, Di Kamp, Hammer, M.: Agenda 21. ) stratйgie firiem- konkrйtne prнklady
2. topic - Identification of strategy, strategic thinking and acting, personality of strategist
a) What is a strategy, its purpose, meaning, and functions - (Porter, M.E.: What is Strategy? Harward Business Review, nov-dec 1996, s. 61-78 Vyakarnam, S. - Leppard, W.J.: Plбnovбnн podnikatelskÑch strategiн, Grada 1998, kap. 8, Papula, J.:
b) Common and distinguishing traits of a manager, leader, and strategist (Hinterhuber, H.H., Popp, W.: Are You Strategist or Just a Manager? Harward Busines Review, jan-feb 1992, s. 105-112, Hickman, C.R.: Manaћйri a lнdri, Bratislava 1995, s. 49 + zбver, s. 281-306, Di Kamp Manaћйr 21. stoletн)
3. topic - basic approach to strategy - emergent a prescription strategies
a) prescription strategies - 3 selected companies - basic identification, description and analysis of approach
b) emergent strategies - 3 selected companies - different and common characteristics, other kind of opportunities, that enable just emergent strategies
4. topic - strategic path of the organization, setting the vision and mission
a) vision, its functions, goals, types of positive and negative visions, examples of both types - Senge, P.M.: Piata disciplнna manaћmentu. Bratislava 1995, иasќ Spoloиnб vнzia, s. 229-257
b) mission, its meaning, functions, difference