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The sixth of June

June 6, 1944 is days that will be remember as a day when great sacrifices were made in order to insure the worlds freedom. On that disheartening day to keep the world's sovereignty humankind had given up its humanity. One of the greatest and most victorious battles of all times in World War II was D-day. D-day is one of the darkest days in human history, when the allies invaded Normandy, France and kick down Hitlers front door. Although the allies had surrender many lives, they have succeeded in defeating the Germans and captured a much-needed position. The night before d-day the Americans and British dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines to ensure their triumph the next day. The Germans while strong and efficient were not in geared up to fight the battle that day. Over 100,000 soldiers swam ashore (Normandy), and 11,700 paratroopers were dropped to secure Normandy Beach.

The Utah Beach landing was successful and went completely as devised. Tanks came in first and began firing upon surprised Germans, and then the first waves of infantry soldiers swarmed onto the beaches (Collier). There was one large problem with the Utah Beach attack. At the shoreline, when men landed, they were often forced to move into the obstacles and the line of fire to make room for heavy equipment and vehicles that followed them (Collier). The minesweepers worked in conjunction with the tanks and foot soldiers: while the engineers cleared away beach obstacles, the tanks and infantry plowed away at the bunkers and gun batteries. By 1300 hours, the Allies had met with the 101st Airborne Division, and by nightfall, a solid bridgehead along the beach had been established (Collier).

On the morning of June 6, 1944 the allies invaded France and the largest amphibious assault in history took place. On the morning of the Invasion of Normandy, beaches in the area of Cotentin, France, were bombarded with over 5,000 tons of bombs, destroying anti-invasion equipment and de-mining many areas. The official British history says: "Never has any coast suffered what a tortured strip of French coast suffered that morning." Following the bombardment over 100,000 soldiers swam ashore, and 11,700 paratroopers were dropped (D-Day) to secure Normandy Beach. The allies did not know what was going to happen next, when the Higgins boats hit the shore over one third of the men were either killed or wounded. The Allies sent waves after waves of men to their deaths over 5000 boats were sent to fight. The allies had to endure hedgehogs, landmines, and enemy artillery even before seeing a German soldier. "The gates of hell are on the shores of Normandy"(Eisenhower). D-day was the first step in order to dismantle hitler and his army from power and to rid the world of the tyrant.

The D-day invasion did not begin on June 6, 1944. The first men to see action would be the paratroopers from the American 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions who were scheduled to drop behind enemy lines. To move the 175,000 troopers across shore over 5,000 ships were used. (Skipper) Weapons and artillery were also boarded onto ships so they could aid the troopers once they landed. At the end of June 5th the preparations for the invasion had been finished. "The d-day invasion began with dangerous sneak attack by United States and British paratroopers."(Eisenhower) the night before the invasion the paratroopers were sent in to clear out German artillery and mortars for the amphibious assult the following morning. Although the drop was hazardous and suicidal there were not many casualtios as expected. The men were dropped with about one hundred pounds of gear from ammunition to books, they were ready for any situation to come their way. the troopers were dropped ten miles in land with no pryor knowledge of the enemy and what location they were in. June fifth would always be known from this point as the longest day.

The Germans who were surprised by the invasion were quick to prepare.



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