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Multimodal Transport Connectivity in Jebel Ali Port: Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency

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Port Management and Strategy / Supply Chain Management

Assignment Cover Sheet


Unit Name: JNB516 & JNB524

Assignment Title: Multimodal transport connectivity in Jebel Ali port: Enhancing supply chain


Assignment No 2

Lecturer: Peggy Chen & Hilary Pateman

Due Date: 28th September, 2015         Date Submitted: 28th September, 2015

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Student Family Name: Srinivasan Student ID Number: 394859

Student First Name: Abhijit

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Student Family Name: Srinivasan

Student First Name: Abhijit

Student ID Number: 394859

Unit Name: Port Management and Strategy/ Supply chain management

Assignment Title: Multimodal transport connectivity in Jebel Ali port: Enhancing supply chain


Assignment No: 2

Multimodal transport connectivity in Jebel Ali Port : Enhancing supply chain efficiency


Student:                        Abhijit Srinivasan

Student ID:                    394859

Unit Co-ordinator:         Dr. Peggy Chen & Pr Hilary Pateman

Unit Code:                     JNB516 & JNB524

Unit:                              Port Management and Strategy/Supply Chain Management                

Course:                          Master of Business Administration (Advanced)

                                      (Maritime and Logistics Management)

Due Date:                     September 28, 2015

Word Count:                 2874


This report emphasizes the key role that seaports play in the global and regional supply chains. The aspects of connectivity and integration are explained to show how organizations which strive to exhibit them enhance their supply chain efficiency. The growth of the port centric logistics concept and multimodalism is also explained.

The Dubai logistics corridor (Jebel Ali port, Jebel Ali free zone and Dubai world central) is shown as an example, elaborating the critical role each body in the logistics corridor plays, the multimodal transport connectivity, and the value added services they provide which together helps improve supply chain efficiency and effectiveness.

The examples of two companies (Dow chemicals and Hino motors) are shown to prove how the integrated Dubai logistics corridor helped create synergies in their supply chain and enabled these companies to benefit from multimodal connectivity within a single customs zone.

Table of Contents



Integration and Connectivity in the Supply chain        

Role of Seaports in the Supply chain        

Growth of port centric logistics and multimodal connectivity        

Port centric integrated logistics concept and multimodal connectivity in Dubai        

Initiatives taken in Jebel Ali port and the Dubai logistics corridor        

Sea Connectivity        

Road connectivity        

Development of rail connectivity inside Jebel Ali Port        

Dubai World Central        

Jebel Ali Free zone        

Virtual freight and Logistics corridor        

Impact of multimodal connectivity and the integrated logistics corridor on supply chains in Dubai        

Dow Chemicals        

Hino Motors        




Traditionally seaports operated as an autonomous entity providing an interface between land and sea where ships can berth, load and unload cargo. However with the passage of time their importance has increased dramatically and in modern times seaports play an important role in maritime logistics and supply chain management (Pettit & Beresford 2009). According to UNCTAD (2012) maritime transport forms the backbone of international trade with around 80% of global trade by volume being carried by sea. Moreover due to factors such as development in transportation and increase in trade it is also observed that ports, such as Jebel Ali port in the city of Dubai, are being actively involved in the supply chain and global trade by contributing to the development of inland freight distribution networks and multimodal transport infrastructure. Consequently, it is important to investigate the positive impact that multimodal transport connectivity in Jebel Ali port and integrated Dubai logistics corridor had on the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains in the region.



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