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My Hero

Essay by   •  December 16, 2010  •  570 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,215 Views

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Heroes. We all have them. At least we're SUPPOSED to all have them... So you

can imagine my disappointment when I realized that I didn't have a hero. I had

to find one. U2? There's too many of them, and they wear too much leather.

Candice Bergen? Tough, and beautiful, but she's related to Edgar Bergen, the

ventriloquist. James Brown? He's cool, but he had a song in Rocky III. And

then it struck me. My new hero.

Today, I'll sing the praises of my new hero. He's socially responsible, he

embodies the American dream, and he hasn't let success change him. He's still

the same old guy. Just like us.

My hero should be socially responsible. Not just someone who goes after what's

in his or her best interest, but someone who tries to make a difference. Tries

to make the world a better place. My hero is out there every day, trying to

make life a little easier for a group of men who suffer from a tragic illness.

He helps them to overcome their handicap, and to be accepted into society. I'm

talking, of course, about Male Pattern Baldness, and my new hero is none other

than Sy Sperling, President of Hair Club for Men.

What does the American Dream mean to you? The American Dream, to me means

moving up in society. Starting out with nothing, and attaining success with

nothing but your blood, and sweat, and a few carefully placed bribes. Like

"The Jeffersons". They started out with nothing, living next to Archie

Bunker. But they had a little laundromat, and some friends at the network,

and they got their OWN show, with a maid, and a theme song. This is the

American Dream. Sy Sperling is that dream, too. He didn't even have friends

at the network, or a de-luxe apartment in the sky. All he had was a little

business, and a dream, and enough money to put together a 30 second

commercial. He did it all himself, he put together his little commercial, and

his hard work and sincerity



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