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My Role Model

Essay by   •  October 3, 2010  •  475 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,884 Views

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My Role Model

In my life I have had very few role models. They have been mostly famous people I see on TV like Michael Jordan, but what young man hasn't wanted to seemingly fly through the sky and slam dunk a basketball? But as you grow older and mature you soon realize that more than just famous people can be role models to you. To me one of my role models is my friend Nick.

Nick and I are a lot alike. We both grew up without a father and had a very supportive mothers who love us very much. Nick is three years older than me and we have been friends for about two years. To begin to understand why I look up to Nick you will first have to learn about his past and where he is now.

Like I said Nick grew up in a single parent home where the dad was gone. He went to school like everyone else. Every week he went to church on Wednesday and Sunday. His mom struggled to support him by working several jobs, although she was there when he needed her his relationship with her was strained.

Through high school Nick played sports and hung out with a variety of people. Some good, some not so good. Eventually he fell victim to the so called "party crowd". He started drinking, doing drugs, and selling drugs. He just didn't care what others thought. All the while he was doing this he continued to go to church and pretend everything was fine. Eventually Nick graduated and moved on to college where things would get worse.

His first year of college all he did was party. It got so bad that he was out five nights a week drinking. After his grades started to suffer he realized he had a problem. All this while he was still going to church. Church is eventually where he turned to find help. After kicking his bad habits Nick decided to help others who might have problems like his.

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Nick decided the



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