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Essay by   •  September 28, 2010  •  704 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,583 Views

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Napoleon Bonaparte, who was also known as the "Little Corsican" (and later known as Emperor of France, and the prime mover of the Napolionic Wars), was born on August 15, in 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica. From 1784 to 1785, Napoleon attended the Ecole Militire in Paris, where he received his military training (Moore 1). After the French Monarchy was overthrown on August 10, 1792, Napoleon decided to make his move up in the ranks. In 1793, Napoleon was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. He seized ground where he could get his guns in range of British ships. Soon after that, Toulon fell and he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.

In 1794, he was wed to Josephine de Beauharnais. In 1795 Napoleon was appointed to put down a revolt in Paris. All he did was have his men shoot all the rebels in the streets. The French government was saved, but they decided to form a new government called the Directory. Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy, and he could not be stopped. Soon, instead of taking the defensive position Napoleon started taking the offensive position and thus, he started his conquest of Europe. In 1797 Napoleon negotiated a treaty with Austria called Campo Formio. Austria gave up the Netherlands and Lombardy to France. Austria also recognized Rhine as the eastern boundary of France. In return France gave Austria most of the old Venetian Republic (Moore 2). Napoleon returned in 1799 to find that the Directory was a mess. He, in his selfish way, saw this as the perfect time for self-advancement. So in November of 1799 he overthrew the Directory. He set up a government called the consulate in which he was the first of three consuls. About three years later, he made himself first consul for life.

Everyone in France loved him, soon after the change in government, Napoleon began calling himself Napoleon I, instead of General Bonaparte (Spielvogel 697). At this time, Napoleon had complete military and political power. In 1802, Germany and England were tired of fighting, so they signed a peace treaty. During the 14 months that followed, Napoleon drastically changed Europe. He reshaped Switzerland with France. He annexed Piedmont, Parma, and the Island of Elba to France. He also made the Napolionic code, which was the first clear, compact statement of the French law. The Napolionic Code has served as a base for legal systems all over the world. In 1803, war broke out between England and France. He crushed



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