Neolithic and Paleolithic Change over Time Essay
Essay by hihello01 • March 7, 2018 • Essay • 487 Words (2 Pages) • 1,364 Views
Throughout World History, the Paleolithic and Neolithic era had drastic changes as well as things remaining the same from 25,000 B.C.E. to 5000 B.C.E. One example of these changes is as time passed, women and men roles began to be different. In the beginning women held high authority and later they only served purpose of having children. Men were consistent with the power they had, and soon it slightly increased. During the time period between 25,000 B.C.E. and 5000 B.C.E.burials and religious effects on plant growth remained constant in religion and gender relations, while there were significant changes in gender relations and religion such as women's roles and agriculture effects. There have been many changes and continuities made throughout the transition, in time.
During these two time periods, there were a number of things that became different. Women present in the Paleolithic era were respected highly. They were known as hard workers, or even high priestess and goddesses. Figurines were made to capture the image of them, as strong and healthy women. This started to change when agriculture came into play. People started to realize that women only needed to cook, sew, and give birth, instead of being superior and in control. They no longer were seen on a high level of importance as they used to be. Another change was the roles both men and women played. In the beginning, the two genders were hunting in gathering, but as time passed they soon took up different positions. The men of society started to solely hunt, while women stayed home to farm and take care of the children. This modification took place because the women started to slowly to adjust to being the “dominate” figure and men were seen as the gender that would take control over certain areas of society, hunting being one of them.
Despite the numerous changes, there were also some things that remained the same. Religion was among one of the most that hadn’t