Nichola Tesla
Essay by parkera1987 • April 30, 2017 • Essay • 1,668 Words (7 Pages) • 1,328 Views
Andrew Parker
Professor Philips
Writing 121
Paper 4
06 December 2016
Our Divine Creation
Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries ever known to mankind would be that of a divine one. For thousands of year’s people of different cultures, races, and religions from all around the globe have pondered the existence of a life after death. The possibility of entering a realm after our so called “death.” A world which very well could exist beyond our human sight and senses. When you consider this subject, I believe the answer is all around us. You must ask yourself questions such as, “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” Just that simple question can throw even the smartest of minds for a loop. The very DNA with its information bearing properties that each of us are shaped by gives us a very reasonable suspicion of an intelligent creator. Behind every source of information, and beyond material reality, life has always started with a mind, with intelligence (
At one point or another throughout our lifetime and most likely more so as we age, each of us ponder the question of an existence outside of our fleshly bodies. The thought of death brings fear to us all. But it is something we will all face one day, and face it alone. Looking back in history the presence of life after death and a divine creator was a very common trait among our ancient ancestors. The Egyptians for instance spent their entire lifetimes on earth preparing for death and the spiritual journey they would take when death occurred. They built magnificent structures to honor the deceased and upon death were buried with items to assist them in their spiritual journey. They possessed absolutely no doubt in a spiritual realm. Although religion of all different sorts still covers the globe, humans of today are much less spiritual than that of our ancestors a thousand years ago, it is estimated only 40% of people today believe in a spiritual realm of some sort (Wiki). The reason behind that is up to speculation but most people of today are so wrapped up in a day to day cycle and a lifestyle that leaves little time for the mind to wander off the path of material thinking.
To search for clues and possible answers to the existence of a divine creator or ‘god’ if you will. We must ask ourselves the most difficult of questions and do our best to think outside the societal bubble to answer them. Perhaps some of the strongest evidence supporting intelligence behind our creation could very well be within ourselves. In 1954 two men by the names of James Watson and Francis Crick not only discovered DNA but also discovered that it possesses pre-birth encryption and data that shapes what are bodily features will come to be. The DNA molecule is literally encoding information in alphabetical and digital form. This discovery was significant in the fact that we know that information is always traced back to a mind. Weather were talking about computer programs, hieroglyphics symbols or even a paragraph in a book, the origin and source of that information is always traced back to an intelligent creator.
Skeptics of creationism often refer to Charles Darwin’s 1859 theory of evolution (, as the founder of life, the theory itself has numerous gaps as wells as fails to adequately explain the origins of life, it’s complexity, and our consciousness. Most importantly where the information behind DNA comes from. We must acknowledge the fact that evolution on a micro-scale level does very well exist and there have been random features developed by different species throughout history, but there has never been a provided explanation as to how a molecule became a cell. On a galactic level and with the evolution of modern day science and new discoveries in the field of Quantum Physics, scientists are more so than ever coming to believe the universe is a “crafted work.” From the eerie behavior of subatomic particles, communicating instantly over galactic distances to the biological software of the cell, to the delicate parameters that govern the laws of the cosmos. Information as scientist are coming to learn is the fundamental ingredient of the universe. Paradoxically the fundamental ingredient of the material world is not material. The existence of information is evidence that reality is more than matter moving under the influence of physical forces, at the root of nature is rules and order. So where did this come from? Perhaps a biblical explanation is a very reasonable one. With ground breaking discoveries being made in Quantum Physics which explores the world the human eye cannot see. The discoveries and mysteries of cells and matter at a Quantum level are detecting the transmitting of information at a microscopic viewpoint amongst the atoms that make up all matter, like the DNA found in ourselves the very cells that make up all matter seem to operate from a predetermined informative data base. How else could these possibilities be explained other than that of a godly figure who is solely responsible for the design of our universe. Perhaps when our ancient ancestors wrote the bible they were merely using metaphors to express how they saw the world around them. It is very plausible they lacked the galactic knowledge we have today, and the vocabulary to define outside visitors. Hence referring to them as ‘godly’ figures. A possible scenario for our human development could also be that of an extraterrestrial origin. Although most people in modern times would consider an alien species perhaps planting life on earth after finding it habitable, would consider this theory madness, although is a very real possibility and one that would more likely occur before a process such as natural selection.