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Essay by 24 • October 15, 2010 • 952 Words (4 Pages) • 1,596 Views
What is our purpose here? How did we become to be? Many humans ask these questions at some point in their life. The answers are very controversial. Some people say a higher power created the universe and everything in it. That our purpose for living is to serve the power. Others give scientific reasons for our existence such as the Big Bang, that our purpose for living is simply survival. The first theory stated above is known as Creationism. The other is evolution the majority of schools encourage this. But the both of them may not be true. Evolution disproves Creationism as Creationism disproves evolution. Why is one not clearly right and the other clearly false? Lack of hard proof makes Creationism hard to believe, and gaps in the evolution chain makes that hard to believe. Is there no middle ground on these two issues?
To understand the conflict of Creationism and evolution you must first understand Creationism. Creationism is the theory that all life was started by a higher power. Creationists believe the version of creation found in the Bible in the book of Genesis. (1, L. Ross) The story of this higher power creating the universe, galaxies, planets, animals, plants and everything else. The tale of Adam and Eve is part of this theory. Noah and his ark saved all the species that live today from a great flood. The belief that the higher power gave each creature what it needs to survive and reproduce. In this teaching the earth is not over 100,000 years old. So how could evolution be true since evolution requires that earth and other things on earth are much older then that.
Along with understanding Creationism you must understand Evolution. Evolution is the theory of the Big Bang, natural selection and other theories like that. A broad definition of it is "Species change over time.". (1, E. Jeremy) That there are reasons why plants, animals, and everything else is the way it is. Take humans for example, we evolved from primates so that we could survive. It was a slow process making little changes at a time. The big bang is the theory that all matter in the universe was created by a massive explosion. That certain species died out because they were not strong enough and could not change. While others who could change adapted to the environment to survive best. All these things are not possible in the creation because all of these things were taking place over 100,000 years ago.
Why do people believe in Creationism? Well Creationism has absolutely no proof supporting their theories and this benefits
them. They have an explanation for every unexplainable answer. This draws peoples attention. People enjoy thinking they know everything and with creationism they have that feeling. The higher power is the reason for everything. This could make it could be the answer to every question if they wanted it to be. So people not knowing a thing about anything will probably follow this blindly and unquestioning. This allows them also to turn away any question and evolutionist asks, or any argument one makes against Creationism. Such as why are there fossils dating over 100,000 years old. They say these are tests placed by the higher power to fool and trick the none faithful. But this also hurts them because it loses followers such as people