Obesity in America
Essay by trackbailey • February 29, 2016 • Essay • 395 Words (2 Pages) • 1,073 Views
Obesity in America
When it comes to the topic of obesity, most of us will readily agree that there’s a major problem in the world with obesity. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of who’s to blame. Whereas some are convinced the people are to blame, they are the ones eating unhealthy foods and not educating themselves on what's healthy. Others maintain that the Big Corporations such as nestle, coca cola and mcdonalds are to blame. I stand on a thin line between the two, I believe that the people should educate themselves and take care of their bodies and health and on the other side corporations shouldn't cut corners to expand their profit at the cost of the health of the people.
Its 2016 and the world is still getting fat, but who is truly at fault for this epidemic? Well according to Radley Balko “what you eat is your business” the people are in control and what they eat and the effect it has on their body is their business and there choice. Balko states that as we the people take control of how we eat and what we eat that this will enlighten not only ourselves but the people around us and then eventually the world which will make obesity not a formed habit but a choice. And that choice will be to stop and make the healthy choice.
Money in the world of food is growing and growing each day, big corporations feed their pockets by selling unhealthy foods that are cheap, unhealthy and most of all damaging to the body. Companies like Pepsi, nestle and yums brand choose to cut corners and prices by using products that are at great health concerns to the public. Food corporations need to begin to take in account of what the products they sell to the people. Food corporations should be working to foster a sense of responsibility and ownership of our own health and wellbeing.
I believe that in order for corporations to begin to change we as the consumer must take charge and begin to knowledgably take our own health into account and from there decide what we want as the consumer to go into our bodies that way the corporations have no choice but to make changes to what they sell. Making the fight against obesity smaller.