Essay by 24 • November 9, 2010 • 897 Words (4 Pages) • 1,335 Views
Right now, America is in the middle of inhabiting a horrible disease, a disease which has infected millions and millions of people. This disease is obesity. As American's we are in the middle of an Obesity Epidemic which has become more and more alive within the last 10-15 years. Many people blame the problem on fast food while others believe it is the lack of rest and time to keep track of our bodies in these hectic times. Whatever the reason may be obesity is a huge problem concerning our society and should be solved as quickly as possible.
Americans in recent years have had problems with obesity. It is basically the American way and because we live in the richest country in the world we have little problem getting the food we want. "Is it our fault for lacking self-control, or are the fast-food corporations to blame?"(Super Size Me Spurlock) We have business's that thrive on our need for food and try to make the food as good tasting as possible. But by making the food taste good they have to sometimes include ingredients that are bad for our health and cook it in ways that are bad for our health. Places like Macdonald's and Burger King fry 75% of their food and that is horrible for a human beings health. Not only does it bring elements that can give you indigestion or heart burn but it brings fat and grease which can make a person overweight. The owners of these businesses put the establishments on popular street corners to make it look appealing for those driving around. They just make the food available. Because it is so easy, fast and cheap to get it is extremely appealing to the consumers in their fast-paced lives. One meal from a Burger King or Macdonald's holds little over 2000 calories which is enough to meet the quota for calories in one day. (downtoearth.org) People now a day's don't have time to cook homemade dinners so they do the next best thing, which is the fast food.
"The continuing epidemic of Obesity is a critical public health concern," (Koplan M.D, cnn.com). "As a nation, we need to respond as vigorously to this epidemic as we do and infectious disease epidemic."(Koplan M.D., cnn.com) Since 1991, obesity in adults has increased an alarming 60% and the percentage is not falling at all. Physical inactivity and obesity are responsible for more than 300,000 premature deaths annually in the US, second only to tobacco-related deaths. (downtoearth.com) About 65% of people are overweight and a staggering 33% percent of people are obese.(weightlossinternational.com) Over the past 30 years, children between 6 and 11 with obesity have risen from 4 to 13%, and 12 to 19 year olds has risen from 5 to 14%. (healthpolitics.com) Children who grow up with obesity are more likely to live with obesity their whole lives unless something is drastically done to change there exercise and eating habits. Parents now a days are trying to give their kids what they want rather than what they need and the food the children are given is very bad for their health. Even in some schools, the food served is horrendously