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Online Reading Engraved in Mind

Essay by   •  October 16, 2018  •  Essay  •  789 Words (4 Pages)  •  823 Views

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Irene Duong

Prof. Rosales

English 50


Online Reading Engraved in Mind

          Every single person always used online reading to research and learning than using traditional reading in life. For schools, especially universities, there are many students that had used internet for schooling, social networking, and it has a great impact for student learning. According to Motoko Rich, in her article, “Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?”, more and more defines is show in the story that how Nadia Konyk use online reading in positive ways. For some people, by using internet for online reading will help them learn new things in independent life and it also help them on the journey to achieve the goals they wish. Therefore, online reading is a positive method help student’s college success because it gives students research information and improve reading skills.

          First, online reading has a benefit that help college students research a lot of extra information for their careers. According to Rich, “In fact, some literacy experts say that online reading skills will help children fare better when they begin looking for digital-age jobs” (321). Most students are always looking for extra work while studying college for pay tuition fee and money for the future. For example, a man is from Southeast Asian, Vietnam and immigrated to America at 5-year old’s, he is one of the person who had has a very high achievers and has extensive experience in online reading while he was a college student. Moreover, he mostly using online reading for his works at a lawyer, and it help him a lot such as research information, important news, and sending email with his partners. Depend on the statistics of society, the college students and adults mostly need internet to apply for studies, searching for jobs, and keep track of important news. This suggests online reading is a way to help students learn many new things, and it also a good way to find a job easier. Therefore, using online reading is a positive way to help students advance to the career and the goals they wish.

          Second, online reading help college students practice their reading skills. Nadia said, “But on the internet, she said [Elizabeth], ‘students are developing new reading skills that are neither taught nor evaluated in school’” (qtd. In Rich 323). As a college student, people always have problems as reading, speaking, writing, and they need to practice more on these skills. However, to help develop these skills, they not only use the traditional reading method, but also change the reading style as reading online. For example, the man that from Southeast Asian, he told while he was a college student, and he changed his reading style by used computer for reading information as how to become a lawyer or used the internet for practicing his reading skills. Likewise, he also told that if people keep using traditional reading style, it will make them feel depressed and tired. Instead used online reading that will make them feel more interested and learn more information by reading other readers’ comments. This is very true for all college students because using a variety of reading styles will help students practice reading skills and also help them develop mindsets learning. This method may have some impact on college students when the time students spent for online reading is less than traditional reading and the pronunciation may be wrong. However, if students continue to use online reading in their daily lives, it will gradually help students develop reading skills, and it is also slowly help students correct the standard pronunciation by looking for verb tense and vocabulary pronunciation in the right way. In fact, online reading is a method that college students need to apply for their career and work in future.



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