Essay by 24 • October 2, 2010 • 1,440 Words (6 Pages) • 8,184 Views
Othello is a distinct and extremely debated tragic play of Shakespeare's. Beginning even with his selection of characters, his decision to make a black man a tragic hero, at this time this was bold and original, by accent tradition blackness was associated with sin and death. Any play that preceded Othello at this time, the black character's were generally villainous. The main characters of this tragic story are a Moor of Venice (Othello), his Venetian wife (Desdemona. Shakespeare also invented several other characters, including Rogerigo, a young disappointed suitor of Desdemona, and Brabanzio, Desdemona's father, who greatly opposes her marriage to Othello this second layer of people around Othello ad's to the complexity of the story. . Shakespeare also introduces the military action between Turkey and Venice- infidels and Christians which is very important to the mood at the time.
Othello and Desdemona are happily falling in love when the story begins, on a Venetian street at night, in the middle of a conversation between Iago an officer in Venice\\\'s military, and a Venetian gentleman named Roderigo. The two men have been speaking of the recent elopement of Othello, the commander of Venice\\\'s army and a Moor, with Desdemona, the daughter of a Senator in the city. Roderigo has been a suitor for Desdemona, and he is upset by the news. Iago tells Roderigo that he hates Othello, because the Moor passed him over for a promotion and named Cassio, as lieutenant in his place. The two men proceed to the house of Brabantio and awaken the Senator. They tell him that Othello has eloped with his daughter. Iago leaves, saying that he must still pretend to be loyal to Othello, and Brabantio and Roderigo gather armed men to go seize the newlyweds.
Iago returns to Othello, and tells his commander how Brabantio cursed Othello, he replies that the services he has done for Venice will make the leaders of the city side with him. At that moment, Cassio enters, bearing a summons from the Duke (there are rumors of war in Cyprus). The Duke declares that Othello must lead the fleet to war against the Turks. In response, Othello asks Iago to go and fetch his bride, and then explains his courtship of Desdemona. She arrives and her father demands to know if Othello\\\'s story is true if their marriage. She confirms it, and professes her love for her husband. Othello decides to set sail immediately, and have Desdemona follow in another ship, escorted by Iago. As Othello leaves, Brabantio warns him to watch his wife because she deceived her father, and so may deceive her husband as well. Iago laughs at this, saying that Desdemona and the Moor will soon be tired of one another, and tells Roderigo to follow them to Cyprus, and to bring with him a large amount of money. He reminds Roderigo that he hates Othello, and promises to help him seduce Desdemona in Cyprus.
When the other man leaves Iago delivers his first speech, in which he says that he plans to use Roderigo for his money. As they arrive on shore before Othello, Iago watch's every move Desdemona makes thinking of how he will use it to inspire Othello\\\'s jealousy and steal Cassio\\\'s rank. Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona is in love with Cassio, and advises him to induce the hot-tempered lieutenant into a duel. Roderigo agrees, as Iago discusses his own jealousy and fear that both Othello and Cassio have slept with Emilia. After the war was won through the city everyone celebrated the destruction of the Turks and the consummation of Othello\\\'s marriage. While celebrating Cassio, Montano, and Iago are drinking and become drunk. Shortly after, Roderigo runs past them with Cassio chasing him. When Montano tries to intervene, Cassio stabs him. The alarm bells ring, and Othello comes out to see what the matter is, Iago reluctantly states what has happened.
Othello strips Cassio of his rank.
The next day Cassio meets Desdemona in the garden, and she tells him that she will persuade Othello to reinstate him after the incident the night before. Cassio departs in embarrassment when he sees Othello coming. Othello sees Cassio slip away, and Iago suggests that there is something suspicious about Cassio's behavior. Desdemona greets her husband, and then begs for Cassio\\\'s reinstatement; Othello yields, declaring that he can deny her nothing. She says that she only has his best interests at heart, and departs with Emilia. Iago then asks about the relationship between Cassio and Desdemona. When Othello demands to know the reason for his questions Iago says to him "be careful, because Desdemona displayed a deceptive nature when she hid her marriage from her father".
When Desdemona leaves with Othello she accidentally drops a handkerchief, which was Desdemona\\\'s first gift from Othello, Iago appears and takes the kerchief he plans to plant it in Cassio's. Othello re-enters, and is very upset about the idea of Desdemona\\\'s infidelity. He demands that Iago show him visual proof of his wife\\\'s