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Our Assignment

Essay by   •  March 11, 2011  •  847 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,276 Views

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Our group decided to do their research on two chosen topics from the book, ethics and social responsibility and Entrepreneurship and Small businesses. We conducted out research entirely through newspaper articles and articles available on the Seneca library website. Our research took a whole team effort, because we had a hard time finding the right articles for the topics, we assigned different team members a different task to contribute to this project. As a team we found the article pretty helpful, because they showed us the book in action, they showed us that whatever the book has thought us is not just theoretical but practical as well. Once we found the article is it was really easy to come up with questions that we would present in our presentation and the game that we have decided to have the class participate in. we found out that communication was the key in getting this project done, we as a team seriously needed to communicate with each other on regular bases to find out the progress of each individual, to get to know where we actually are at the given time, as we improved our communication amongst each other we noticed that our presentation started to take a shape. As mentioned earlier we held each person responsible for a specific task, since the work was divided equally each one of us had the responsibility of the this project on our shoulders and we were in a situation where if one person is having problem the whole group is in trouble and therefore the whole presentation is in a jeopardy, but the hope of good results kept us going and we pulled the whole thing. As business students we believe that the topics that we have chosen are really important for the business to run, obviously business ethics is really important for any business to succeed, I mean without the ethics the business is sure to shutdown in near future unless they change their ways and show their responsibility to the customers, environment, employees and other parties that are connected with the business. The other topic that we chose was Entrepreneurship and small businesses, which of course taught us the importance of small business, how important it is to us Canadians and how many of those small businesses are open all around the country, and entrepreneurship, how we all benefit from entrepreneurship. We also learned that how successful can a small business be and how you can live a very satisfied, if not a luxurious life, the book itself is filled with such examples and we found other examples from the articles that we encountered during our research.

The main question that we had in our mind was how are we going to make this presentation interesting, how is it that we can involve the class in our presentation so that they get something out of it as well. We were getting different ideas in our mind



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