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Essay by   •  April 1, 2011  •  716 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,038 Views

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First Sentence: I was really stumped with trying to make my topic decision, I thought about it for hours. Butch's word of "talk what you care about and care what you talk about" just kept on running laps around my mind. Then all of a sudden it just hit me, I couldn't believe why I didn't think of this earlier. Though there are numerous topics that care about and enjoy talking about there is only one that sticks out above the rest and that's talking about my self.

Thesis: What better topic to inform the class upon rather than me? I really like myself and know a lot about my self. I figured that I would let the class know how this amazing person if front of you came to be.

Preview: I will talk about the beginning years, ages1-7, the growing years, ages 8-18, and the now years, ages 19-21.


Main Point #1: I was born in a small country called Macedonia, a country bordering Greece. I have a younger brother who just turned 18 and an older sister who is 26. I was 2 years old when we, my parents and siblings, came to the U.S. in 1987. Out of all the places my parents could have chosen to live, they chose one that made no sense at all, Anchorage, Alaska. Man was it cold. I remember years where it would snow 2-3 feet a day or a couple days straight. Don't get me wrong, it was fun I had the time of my life but I couldn't understand why out of all the states they chose Alaska. There was Florida, Hawaii, New York, etc. From The time that we arrived to the U.S. until I started Kindergarten, we had moved 3 times.

Main Point #2: The middle years of my life, ages 8-18, were probably the most active. While I was in the second grade I got into a dispute with a poodle. That resulted in me receiving 42 stitches to the head. I fully recovered and have put it all behind me. When I started the third grade my parents decided that we should move back to Europe. We spent two years there and moved back. We came back to Alaska where I went to 5th and 6th grade then my parents decided to move again. We decided to move to Texas where we spent about 4 months before moving back to Alaska. The remainder of the time, until I finished high school was spent in



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