Essay by 24 • May 10, 2011 • 325 Words (2 Pages) • 1,230 Views
Nick Sanchez
English, Burns
My alarm goes off and I just go back to sleep. Its 5:30 and I am running late I was supposed to leave at three. The first thing that comes to my head is that I have to wake everyone up so I tore off into the basement and raised hell to get Tommy, Jason, and Jeremy up. We packed the car and we were off only to find that I forgot my snowboard boots so we had to go back and get them. Now we're finally off and my eyes feel so heavy I could pass out any second, and by the look on everyone else's face they're feeling the same way. It took a total of ten minuets for the three in the back to pass out but me and my dad didn't go to sleep. Of course my dad didn't because he was driving but that's past the point. We finally get a mile into the mountains and we hit traffic. Stop and go and we're probably going 5 miles an hour if we're lucky. Why can't everyone go the same speed? Traffic is the worst. It took us eight hours to make a two-hour trip. It was the longest ride I have ever taken into the mountains. They were closing the tunnel every hour for 30 minuets and that was the main reason for the traffic. There were a couple of ambulances that came by and some plow trucks and I couldn't help but feel envious of how fast they were going. People were actually jumping out and having snowball fights on the side of the slick road. We listened to Dane Cook, a really funny comedian, which only lasted about an hour and a half. We ended up listing to the same jokes over and over again because there was no radio station that my dad liked. I just