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Parenting Style and Social Behavior of Children

Essay by   •  September 21, 2016  •  Thesis  •  10,340 Words (42 Pages)  •  2,501 Views

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All parents have their own unique styles of dealing with their children. The social development of a child influences many attributes of a young child's life, and parenting plays a role in how each child acquires developmentally appropriate social skills.

Parenting includes everything that one does while waiting for something else to happen. It is going out of one’s way to assist, help, listen, and do something for a child. Parenting is learned and picked up from how individuals are parented. Cobb (2001) stresses that parenting is more a matter of which one is than what one does, passed on from one generation to the next.

Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship. A parenting practice is specific behaviour that a parent uses in raising a child and reflects the cultural understanding of children. Parents around the world want what they believe is best for their children. "Parenting practices are defined as specific behaviors that parents use to socialize their children (Darling and Steinberg, 1993).

Parents understand their children’s potential, capabilities interests and Weaknesses. They can encourage children to spend more leisure time reading than watching television. They can talk with their children and communicate positive behaviors, values and character traits. They can keep in touch with the school. And they can express high expectation for children and encourage their efforts to achieve. (Bornstein, 2005)

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the concepts and views from the distinguished theorists, psychologists, and other researchers who are expert in this field.

A parenting style is the overall emotional climate in the home. Three main parenting styles in early child development: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. Parents should be neither punitive nor aloof. Rather, they should develop for their children (Baumrind, 1971).

                The parents influence, instruction and correction all work together to produce a good child. Parent is responsive to the child's needs and special circumstances which might lead to exceptions to the rules. The most basic goal is the survival and health of the child (Hops, Davis, & Lewin, 1999).

According to Bornstein, (2006) parental styles that do not balance responsiveness with demandingness and control generally fall under the umbrella of poor childrearing methods.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study is illustrated in a schematic diagram depicted in figure 1. As parents, they are responsible for molding their children’s social behavior. Hence, the conceptual framework of this study shows the relationship of the parenting style and the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior. It is conceived that how parents discipline their child/children may influence the children’s social behavior.

Thus, as seen in the schematic diagram, the independent variable is the parenting style and the dependent variable is the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior.


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Figure 1.  The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

        The researcher aims to find out whether there is a significant relationship between the style of parenting of BEED student- parents’ and the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior.

        Specifically, this study wants to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the common style of parenting of the student –parents’?
  2. What is the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior?
  3. Is there a significant relationship between the parenting style of BEED student- parents’ and the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior?


Sub problems 1 and 2 are hypotheses free.

For sub problem number 3:

Ho3        :        There is no significant relationship between the style of parenting of BEED student-parent and the level of manifestation their children’s social behavior.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that this study would give benefits to the children, teacher, parents, students and researcher. It is stated specifically on the following:

Children. Through this study, they may able to improve their social skills which is the best factor in attaining their success in studies and in life as a whole. This will lead them to have early preparation about the life’s battle and struggles.

Teacher. They will be aided with their teaching performance and be able to give proper discipline among the pupils and lead them successfully in achieving their goals by establishing relationship with the parents.

Parent’s. It will bring awareness among the parents about the influence of their parenting style to the social behavior of their children. With this, they will explore more about different styles that will work best in disciplining their children.

Students. This study may serve as their guide and to be aware about what parenting style is and for them to learn to become a responsible parent in the future. Thus, they will become more understanding with them and guide and lead them to a better life.

Researcher. This study may help them to gather information about parenting styles and how these affect in the social behavior of the children. Thus, this study could serve as their reference in conducting related studies and investigations.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was delimited only on determining the significant relationship between the styles of parenting of BEED Student- Parent Education students and the level of manifestation of their children’s social behavior enrolled in Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges-General Santos City Academic Year 2013-2014.

Definition of Terms

Below are the key terms used in this study. In order to establish among the readers a common understanding of this study they are defined both conceptually and operationally hereunder:



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