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Pediatric Ed at Lynchburg

Essay by   •  April 14, 2016  •  Case Study  •  349 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,048 Views

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CASE ANALYSIS of _Pediatric ED at Lynchburg    (1 PAGE MAXIMUM)

Student Name:__Brad Schwartz

Date: _10/26/15


Defense of Claim (WHY)

Key Issues (diagnosis)

1. Will the existing nursing/clinical staff be able to accomplish the potential increased volume of work?

By not increasing the number of nurses and clinical staff, LGH risks not having enough staff to deal with increase patient volume and overworking their employees.

2. If the new Ped-ED is marketed to the community, will it negatively impact community relations?

LGH is a community hospital and by opening up a Ped-ED, they will ultimately become competitors to the smaller urgent care clinics. They need to make sure to maintain a balanced relationship with their community.

3. Predicting the potential demand for the new Ped-ED is difficult and unattainable.

Not being able to predict future patient volume will cause problems for workflow and staffing models.

DM’s goal(s)

1. Create an efficient and productive workflow for the Ped-ED while maintaining current FTEs and building space.

LGH’s goal is to create a Ped-ED but utilize the current resources and limit expenditures.

2. Renovate a portion of the LGH-ED in order to create a Ped-ED that can provide responsive, specialized care for children.

LGH wants to carve out a section of the current ED in order care for children while making it a fun, interactive, and safe environment away from the rest of the ED.

DM’s options/ alternatives

1. Build the Ped-ED and market throughout the community.

Building the Ped-ED will give LGH a competitive edge against their competitors.

2. Do not create a Ped-ED and continue to improve workflow on the current LGH-ED.

Continue to cut costs elsewhere and improve efficiencies in current ED in order to stay competitive.

DM should (recommendations)

1. Redesign the whole floor plan of the ED in order to incorporate the Ped-ED.

The redesign will improve workflow and lean out inefficiencies such as lengthy walks for the staff to service patients.

2. Create incentives for current nurses to take the necessary pediatric training classes.

More nurses will take the training courses and willing to learn more. Better trained staff means increase in efficiency and LGH would not have to hire more FTEs.



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