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Peoplesoft Case Study

Essay by   •  April 25, 2011  •  1,708 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,439 Views

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Peoplesoft is an organization which depicts the term friends and family; the people working there are considered to be the backbone of the organization.

An organization compromise of people; and people make up the organization, same can be applied to Peoplesoft; the reason why the company is a success is all because of its relationship between its workers and it's employers. Both need each other in order to be successful.

A good organization or a company would know the key to being a successful company is the ability to have and understand the relationship between its worker and the organization. Knowing what to do in every situation, what to expect from every one and the outlook on every outcome.

Management should realize that people-organization relationship is the main focus; it is to be noted that how the management manages its workforce are the crucial factor that determines the success of a company. The company or organization expects or rather puts a high expectation from its workers and thus when achieving a good and satisfying result; the workers on the other hand also expects a handful of gratification from the other party.

1. Providing the right Balance

Balance is the correct term to be put here; a good working environment promotes good working habits; organization tend to forget that emphasizing on people-organizational relationship is the most crucial factor that determines success.

By providing a good and healthy working environment which can be either the following examples:

Good and flexible working hours

Good behavioral rewards

Motivational strategy

Human Interaction

Another part that seems to be overlooked is the psychological contract; it is basically an unofficial document which clearly depicts certain issues retaining to certain expectations that the organization wants from it's workers; what they expect from them; understanding certain rights and privileges which have been bestowed to the backbone of the organization which are the workers; certain duties and obligations which are needed to be fulfilled; although all of the above may sound and seem formal; it still does play an important role and may take an effect on people's behavior.

Sometimes not all expectations may be met or fulfilled; there is still a chance for improvement; success comes from failure; improving bit by bit is the key to consistency.

Every employee has their rights and privileges; this may range from:

Protection from discrimination

Rights to paid holidays

Rights to maternity leave

Rights to parental leave

Certain human rights

Duties and obligations are to be fulfilled by the employees; works are to be done and finished on time; procrastination does not exist in an organization and if it does; this will only slow down and eventually prohibit the growth of the company/organization.

Exposure to early working environment does have an affect on employees; in the early stage; when an employee is working under the correct working conditions; they are able to perform better; improvement in productivity, creativity and attitude towards the company/organization.

To put it in it's simplest form; using the correct notation or formula which results in success is always down to Ð'ÐŽÐ'§balanceÐ'ÐŽÐ'Ё and Ð'ÐŽÐ'§relationshipÐ'ÐŽÐ'Ё. Providing balance between people-organization relationships are the keys to reaping big profits, increase in productivity and being a successful organization.

Understanding what the employees want; demonstrating genuine concern for each and every individual on basically every matter, learning to communicate with each other regardless of what position level you are at; listening to individuals suggestions, comments and even complications; be- friending each and every one who works in the organization and alas rewarding good behavior which can be in any form.

Basically it's all about caring for the employees, the level of communication the organization has, hearing and listening to what there is to be said, eventually be-friending each and every one of the workforce and thus rewarding success.

2. Means of Motivation

Change equals challenge which is the source of motivation, workplace efficiency and job security. Because of fast changing trends and technology, work environments are evolving into continuous challenges. Responsibility is moving to the front line where it becomes the workers' responsibility to find the best way to get the job done, not management alone.

PeopleSoft practice takes a different approach when dealing with its employees. For example,

Hanging up jumbo-sized pictures of the employees in the hallways at corporate headquarters in Pleasanton. This shows that PeopleSoft actually shows sense of appreciation in its workers productivity and creativity. Instilling this sort of ambition towards a worker can actually push them to work better if not harder and having not be push towards working this way.

The CEO also acknowledges the employees for their work. Hence certain ways to show appreciation the CEO Dave Duffield organized a company trips, for example Dave took the entire company down to Lake Tahoe. This is a way of giving back to the workers which should be practiced. Not by just neglecting the amount of contribution the employees have done. More over, it helps to build a good relationship among workers. This indirectly gives them a means of motivation to strive and to do more for the company that is treating them well.

3. Sense of Personal Identity

PeopleSoft success is actually a reflection on their human and employee relations. PeopleSoft practices internal organization, the CEO caters to the psychological and social needs of the employees. It provides a sense of personal identity and belonging for every employee making the employees feel that it is their duty to keep up the companyÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s success and boost morality.

It is true when



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