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Personal Expectation Essay

Essay by   •  October 5, 2015  •  Essay  •  665 Words (3 Pages)  •  4,467 Views

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Maria Yuquilima

Indiana University


             I have high expectations for myself. Ever since I was little I had big dreams, many would say that my dreams were too big for a person like me. My interests are mainly made up of law or criminology. I know I either want to major in political science, or criminology, or maybe journalism because I love to write. Then to attend law school. I want to be the best lawyer that everyone is afraid to compete with in the courtroom. I recently grew a passion for the army, to be specific the ROTC. I want to serve in the army as a judge advocate. I want to make a difference in this world, I want justice to be served where it is needed. I am a huge athlete so I hope to continue my athletics in college and maybe hopefully be discovered.  I want to be the best version of me.

             I come from a Hispanic background so that already makes it seem like I can’t be successful. Many people stereotype my ethnicity, most assume that I will end up in the landscaping business or that I will end up selling drugs for the rest of my life. I come from a background where both of my parents did not have the chance to attend to college, where they barely graduated high school in their country. I want to make my parents proud of all the hard work they have done, I want to make them feel like it was worth coming to America. I want them to know that I appreciate everything they have done for me, from coming illegally to the United States to becoming citizens.

           Attending college will not only be amazing but it will be an honor because I would be the first generation to actually attend college and graduate. My older sisters went to college but only two out of four actually finished, the other two dropped out. My father was very upset about that fact because he had sacrificed the most for my two sisters. The ones who dropped out are my full blood sisters. The ones who actually finished are my half-sisters. My father raised me and my two full blood sisters by himself. He has been a single father for 14 years. And I am proud to have someone like him to look up too.  It was a struggle growing up with a man, but he made me ten times stronger than I needed to be, he prepared me for the future and the real world.  And I couldn’t thank him enough for everything he has done for me. The best way I could thank him is him seeing me on graduation day, graduating from a top university like Indiana University.



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