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Personal Model Of Helping

Essay by   •  April 29, 2013  •  2,843 Words (12 Pages)  •  1,303 Views

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Personal Model of Helping

With my own personal experience change is what my personal model of helping is based on. I see two theories working if put together to create the outer shell that can help me to help others. The two theories are behavioral and person - centered. This was put together using all my viewpoints from all areas reviewed. I viewed multiple selections from out textbook. During my reading and understand, I related most to Carl Rogers theories of therapy. Carl Roger's helped make a valid point. Allowing the client to feel responsible for his or her treatment will allow him or her to take responsibility of the changes that will be made. "Person - centered therapy" equals not looking to the past; although Freud's therapies tend to. Looking toward the present and having ownership of his or her own sense of being is what person - centered therapy is about. I feel that the client should focus on the present with the counselors help. This is an important step during treatment. Also, allowing the client to discover his or her want to change ability. If and when the client feels he or she has the want to change, he or she then needs to regain the skills to help make the changes in his or her life. The skills needed are found within the behavioral theories that will be part of the treatment. When allowing the patient to have control over his or her ability to change is strong. Ownership is given to the client and by doing this, they have power over their treatment and it helps them to go through their recovery when therapy is over. Teaching and helping the client to manage the skills that will help them during their life after therapy sessions are over will help the longer and be of more help rather than just telling the client what you want, as the counselor. This method will never help the client to have ownership over his or her situations and they will also never commit to the change they need and want to make it. I perceive helping that the client should be the one that is helping. The counselor is just there to assist or guide the client in the right direction. During this process the counselor waits on the client to make his or her decision although while the counselor is waiting he or she is supportive to the client during the therapy sessions. The clients are valued by who they are by the counselor. The counselor will not down grade the client in any way. The counselor understands that the client will make mistakes and he or she has flaws. In away this makes it acceptable but needs to be addressed. During therapy sessions the counselor does a lot of listening while the client is given ample time to talk about his or her issues that will be addressed. In the here and now process; it falls under this type of therapy as well. It is irrelevant how and why the client arrived at his or her condition and most important is that the client has decided to make a change and they are able and willing to work through their issues to get better.

In this type of model of helping the client and counselor can form a close relationship. The counselor is very much involved in the sessions, however the client is not directed specifically. The counselor has nothing but respect for the client. The counselor sees the client as another well respected individual in society who should be respected and heard. It does not matter to the counselor where the client has been or come from although it does matter that the client is trying to receive help in a time of need. The changes made in his or her life is a big commitment to better themselves and their life. In the model of helping the counselor is the biggest and best supporter the client will have. This type of relationship shows the client and counselor to be supportive and close. During the combination theories person - centered and behavioral there are a lot of techniques and approaches to the changes that he or she will do in this model of helping. The client will be presented this model of helping in stages/steps. Learning to trust the counselor is the clients first step. This is gained by the counselor showing uniformity and positive interaction. The counselor will show the client that he or she is very interested in what the client is saying by being very attentive as well as an active listener. The counselor will pay very close attention to the client by listening to each and every word that the client speaks, how each word is said, and last by the body language the client displays during the sessions. During the sessions the client is respected by the counselor and the counselor also shows compassion. The counselor does not agree with all of the clients decisions he or she has made, but it means that the counselor feels the client is entitled to their respect along with caring and trust. Showing the client that he or she is not alone in this ordeal will help out. A client that feels alone or empty tends to shut down. For the counselor to be able to understand and comply with what part of the treatment process the client is at then the counselor can physically and emotionally be with the client. Having the ability to allow trust between the counselor and client is a huge step and it shows progress. Being able to trust one another will allow the client to become more comfortable and help him or her open up more during their sessions. If and when the client feels completely safe and having 100 percent trust and support from the counselor is when the process will begin to help solve the issue.

Now that trust has been figured out the real work can now begin. While the client starts to go through his or her choices that are being made daily; this keeps the client in that current state. The counselor is known as a leader/teacher that the client is looking up to for help. There is no directions given nor will the counselor blame the client for wrongful doings. The counselor will allow time for the client to see what choices that are ahead of them and helps to give all the assistance and leadership in order for the client to select a new journey to a better way of living. Behavioral therapy techniques will be introduced some when the client has displayed all they want is change and that he or she is progressing. Depending on the client the counselor will choose what behavioral therapy techniques to use. There are several techniques but none of them are better than the other for each client is different, so therefore the counselor would use an assessment test that is for behavioral therapy and from there will help decide which technique is more qualified to sue for the client. Evaluating each technique and finding which is the best is very important in order for the counselor to be beneficial for the clients sake and to be able to continue the healing process properly. The counselor will use a variety of behavioral therapy techniques to help a client. Although,



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