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Personal Perspective

Essay by   •  December 20, 2010  •  300 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,068 Views

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I attended the University for my bachelor's degree in which I completed in 2002. I decided to pursue my college degree for the simple fact that no one on either side of my family had ever attended college before. My brother and I were the first and so far the only one to attend college.

In the beginning when I started thinking about going back to school to pursue my masters degree I was very hesitant for the simple fact of I really did not want to go back to school. It took several years to convince myself that it was time to go back. There were a couple of different reasons why I chose to pursue my MBA. In the beginning the first reason I wanted to go back to school was so that I could have one up on my younger brother. He was always the brain in our family. He was very book smart and had no trouble in school whatsoever. I on the other hand never really liked school and was more street smart you could say so I had a very hard time especially in high school.

The main reason why I finally chose to pursue my MBA is to make myself more marketable whether it is with my current career or another. My husband and I really want to start our own business one day and be our own boss. I want to be able to walk away with the knowledge I will need to make the business successful in every way and not fail like so many people do that try to open their own business. More than anything though I want to walk away with self-accomplishment knowing that I achieved something that most people in my family never thought I could do.



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