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Personal Stregnths

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Paper on Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Jose B. Castellanos

University of Phoenix

Steven Silver

Gen 300/skills for professional development

Due February 8, 2006


The purpose of this paper is to state and analyze my personal strengths and weaknesses and how I use them in the different the areas of every day life. It will identify abilities and skills that I have and how they contribute and positively influence my work environment, personal life, and the work I am now doing in school. It will show personal areas that I have recognized need improvement and the steps and action I intend to take to improve on these weaknesses.

Paper on Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the most difficult things for me to do is to look in the mirror and analyze what my strong and weak points are. I tend to look at my best side, at my strengths and assets and even add a few more to project a better image of me. On the other hand I have to force myself to be brutally honest with me when I look at my weaknesses. I think of the time when I was dating my wife, all my assets were displayed before her, I was supposed to be the best choice for her; I was very careful to cover up my weaknesses and I tried to make sure all my liabilities were hidden from her. This paper will be an analyses of my strengths and weaknesses, what skills and abilities I posses and how they contribute to my work, personal life and learning team. I will also identify personal areas that require improvement as well as a plan of action to lessen the negative effects of these weak areas.

Some of the strong points that I will be writing about are: persistence, integrity and hard working. Some of the weaknesses that I will analyze are: disorganized and impatient.

One of the areas where I feel I am strong in is persistence. I am a very persistent person and am the type that if I have a task, a goal or something I need to achieve, I stay with it for as long as it is possible. I do not give up very easy, I am like a pit-bull that locks



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