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Essay by   •  March 10, 2011  •  575 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,109 Views

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Recently, the town of Billerica has been tossing the idea around that there should be a Home Depot in Billerica, Located at the Billerica Mall. This news caused quite a stir among the majority of Billerica residents. Many people think it will be great for the depleted Billerica Mall, while others don't want another big corporation taking over our "small" town. Here's what I think.

The way the mall is right now is a complete embarrassment to our town. Anything you put in there will be an improvement. I attended my first town meeting ever a couple weeks ago, and from what I see of the plans, it looks like the whole thing could be very nice. Home Depot doesn't just want to go in the mall, but they are fixing up the entire area and it looks very promising.

One of the main things receiving a lot of heat is the traffic situation and how it will be affected by a Home Depot being in town. My opinion: The town has said that they were willing to work with Home Depot and try to make the traffic situation less of a headache. One of the things I suggest they do is work out the timing on all of the red lights in the center of town so traffic can move more fluently. I think this would ease many people's frustrations. Then of course, we could really do some serious construction and try to fit in another lane on Boston rd.

Another concern of some residents is how Home Depot trucks are going to be unsafe for children who are going on the school bus or coming off the bus. One way this problem could be solved is if Billerica and Home Depot once again to get together and work out special routes and times for all eighteen wheelers so that there are none on the road during children school commuting times.

Many people object to Home Depot because they feel that if it does come here, then Billerica will lose its "small town feel", even though we have 6 dunkin donuts', over 12 pizza places and a



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