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Persuasive Essay

Essay by   •  January 12, 2011  •  1,090 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,772 Views

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“There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have children, but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst,” An unknown author once said. A common tradition that is practiced by almost every family world-wide is giving birth to children to carry on the family name. Biology should not dictate how someone spends his or her hard earned spare time and money. How many people conclusively examine the pros and cons of having a child before making the life changing decision to get pregnant? As magnificent as this experience can be, not everyone is suitable or ready to bear offspring. Perfect parents do not exist; however, inadequate and unfit parents are alive. When considering bringing another life into this world, many factors should be contemplated by the parents.

Money is usually the first thing that comes to someone’s mind when becoming a parent is brought to attention. The cost of raising a child in this country is steadily rising. If a family wants to wait to experience this life changing decision until they are financially ready, a good possibility is that they will wait until time is too late to conceive or the mother is put in danger. According to a chart that MSN.COM compiled, middle class parents, on average, spend $170,000 dollars raising the child until he or she is the legal adult age of 18 years old. A recent survey shows that only five percent of parents do not plan on paying for children once they turn 18, so that means that the other 95% will spend more than the average amount of money on a child. Females with a family income between $30,000 and $65,000, which is normally considered middle class, obtain the highest rate of abortions at 38%.

Fear of failure is another conclusive reason not to become a parent. A couple that is afraid that the upbringing of their child could possibly be wrong or not suitable for the offspring’s personality is a huge contribution to their distress and anxiety. Parents are often scared of disciplining for the wrong reasons or not educating a child to the extent of his or her ability. Sometimes people are terrified of the immense responsibilities and non-stop worries that children can bestow upon someone. Passing on problems to an innocent soul is a constant worry, in addition to countless others. Women, mostly, are afraid that when her child is hurt or upset, she will not be able to soothe that child’s pain and suffering. A child has a personality that is unlike anyone else’s; therefore, parents might not be able to compensate for his or her needs.

Immaturity is the highest cause for newborn babies to be given up for adoption. Girls are getting pregnant at younger ages than ever before; however, the two parties involved in the making of the baby are not yet mature enough to raise or be responsible for another human being. If the girl decides to take responsibility for her actions, her social life and partying days are decreased dramatically if not completely cut out of her life. Babies require an immeasurable amount of attention and knowledge from the parents. 52% of abortions in the United States annually, are acquired by females at the age of 25 or younger. 64% of women who have abortions have not ever been married, so it almost seems that these females are afraid of commitment as well as being unprepared. Females sometimes let her emotions over power her logical thinking when the thought of being pregnant arises, but she needs to stop and think of the damage that she could cause a child by bringing it in this world on an impulse. One out of every four children lives in a single parent home. A child should not be deprived



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