Philosophy Case
Essay by rmodan786 • May 20, 2014 • 1,766 Words (8 Pages) • 1,335 Views
Stephanie Meyers wrote a book called Twilight, and it was turned into a movie. The story is about a girl named Bella Swan who has a different personality. She used to live in Arizona which has a lot of sun, and she was with her mother. A couple of years later, she decided to move to her dad's place in Forks which is very rainy. She doesn't expect a lot of things to change, but things do change after she meets Edward Cullen in her biology class. In the story Edward is a little different too. He runs faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a car with one hand, and his age didn't change for a long period of time. All of this because he is a vampire. He doesn't drink human blood, and he loved scent of Bella's blood, but he stopped himelf from that because he started falling in love with her. Aristotle uses his theory of drama as it was outlined in Poetics. He showed there are two kinds of Drama: comedy and tragedy. Aristotle would think Twilight was a good drama however Plato would consider parts of the film to be good, and some bad. The difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy is more about pity and fear, on the other hand comedy is more about laughter.
On one hand, according to Aristotle's theory of drama, the movie Twilight might be be a comedy for some reasons. The reason, it might be a comedy is because there is a scene of 3 guys trying to get close to the main character Bella. The first guy helps Bella to get her seat, second guy calls her my girl, and the third guy just comes and kisses her cheek, so the first guy runs after the third one. I thought that was funny how all three guys were fighting for one girl and how they were trying to impress her and how they got angry if another one tried. Secondly, she was talking to her mom, and her mom was calling from a random phone, so it was funny because she was giving an excuse that she didn't lose her phone charger, but it ran away. It made me laugh because I remembered an incident when someone made the same excuse when the person made the same excuse. The third, comedy was that when she was in the hospital, after a car accident, the named Taylor, who almost smashed her, he kept on apologizing her, so while he was talking Bella's dad pulled a curtain and blocked his face. Furthermore, for the first time when Edward took Bella to his house, so they smelled blood and they were pulling a joke that a human just arrived to their house because they are all vampires. Also, there was a funny scene when Bella wanted her dad to see Edward as her boyfriend, and told him to behave, and when they were going out, her father reminded her about the pepper spray that he gave her for protection. A lot of females would think that its funny because dads are always over protecting there girls from male.
On the other hand, according to Aristotle's theory, the movie Twilight could also be a tragedy. First it was a tragedy for Bella to move out of her mom's house, and move to her dad's house. The second tragedy was that the first time Bella meets Edward in class. She thought that Edward hated her. The reason she felt like that was because when she came into the classroom, Edward had his hand on his nose. When the bell rang he quickly got up and left the classroom. Then Bella went to the school office, and he was also there trying drop Biology and sign up for another class, but he could not sign up because all the classes were full and he had no choice but to stay in that class with Bella. Because Edward had no choice, he skipped a whole week of school, and it really bugged Bella. Later, he finally showed up after a week, and they got along in the class. Then she noticed his eye color because she saw his eyes were blue on the first day, and suddenly she saw they were hazel. She even asked Edward, but he ignored her and left. This would be called a tragedy because she was because she felt uncomfortable front of a guy, she thought that Edward really hates her. Making a girl uncomfortable is to make her feel pity that something is wrong, and he is showing an attitude that he doesnt like her.
Another tragedy was that when she was standing by her car, Taylor was driving very fast and almost hit Bella. Edward came very fast that anyone can't even imagine he came and saved her. She told her friends and her dad that it was Edward who really saved her, but nobody believed her. She asked Edward how he did that because he was standing far away from her. Edward asked her if she can be just thankful and not ask any questions. As she started seeing more things in Edward, she started to do research about his symptoms and it showed that he is a vampire. The next day of school she confronted him that she knows everything and he told her that he never smelled blood like hers and he could not control his emotions and he was trying to stay away from Bella.
The final tragedy was that Bella went for a baseball game with Edwards's family, and three other vampires came to them and requested to play with them. Then they tried to hide Bella and try to get her out of there, but one of the vampires named James noticed that Bella is a human and also loved the smell of her blood. Edwards's family tried to get Bella out of the town as soon as possible, so he doesn't attack her and they can kill James. Bella didn't want to leave her father like that, so her and Edward acted like they were fighting, and she could leave the house. She said the meanest things to her dad like what her mom told while she was leaving. Later, when she stayed