Essay by 24 • March 3, 2011 • 1,271 Words (6 Pages) • 1,137 Views
It had been seven years since he returned to Jackson. When he left, it was not on the best of terms with his family or his friends. Michael had returned home to fight his ex-wife, Elizabeth, for their son, Alexander. And this time he was determined to win.
Seven years ago, Michael was the owner of a successful landscape company. He had a beautiful wife, Elizabeth, and a one year son named Alexander. They were very active in the local Catholic Church and their community. Michael had been asked to serve as an alderman but his business and new son would not allow it at this time. One day, while doing some work in an upper class neighborhood for Steven Parks, Michael noticed that Steven's wife, Rebecca, was lying on the sofa inside. She was barely covered in her silk robe and Michael could see her firm breasts rising and falling under the shiny material. This embarrassed Michael as well as aroused him but he tried to place his concentration on the job at hand. When he looked up, Rebecca was standing in front of the window looking at Michael. She invites him in for a drink and he notices that her robe was gaped open and Michael could see had nothing underneath. One thing lead to another and the next thing you know, they are embraced on the sofa in a deep and passionate kiss. After making love, Michael gets off the couch, puts his clothes on and leaves for home. He is very upset at himself and consumed by guilt for what he has allowed to happen. He stops by the local tavern on his way home for a drink or two to clear his head and calm his nerves. This is the beginning of Michael's downfall. Still consumed by guilt, he finds himself sneaking drinks during the day and night. Michael has turned to alcohol for solace and redemption. As his drinking continues, Elizabeth has enough and Michael remembers her final words being "Get out and never come back or I will call the police". Michael grabbed a few things and headed to a local hotel. He thought it would be a short time but in a few days, Elizabeth's attorney contacts Michael with divorce papers as well as custody papers. She has a restraining order placed on Michael and he can not get close to her or Alexander. He was allowed to pack the reminder of his personal items and he left the town of Jackson.
Michael moves to Memphis and works for a landscape company there. He joins an alcohol treatment group and cleans up his life. He keeps in touch with Alexander's activities through a few of his drinking buddies in Jackson, mainly Jeff and Paul. "Alexander is growing up and becoming a fine young man" Jeff informs Michael one day and he beams with pride and love. About one year after relocating to Memphis, Paul contacts Michael and informs him that Elizabeth has been involved in an accident and is killed. Michael could not believe this because he had just talked to Elizabeth a few hours earlier concerning Alexander and the phone conversation did not go well as usual. Once again, guilt starts to consume Michael and he makes plans to return to Jackson for the funeral. When Michael arrives in Jackson, he is greeted by his friends Jeff and Paul who inform Michael that Alexander is slated to live with Elizabeth's sister, Nancy. Nancy is aware of the history between her deceased sister and Michael as well as the fact that Michael was the last to talk to Elizabeth alive. Nancy blames Michael for upsetting Elizabeth and causing her accident and her death. Michael is very upset about the decision of Alexander living with Nancy and decides to fight this move. Michael uses his life savings to hire an attorney and fight for the custody of his son but eventually loses the fight and everything he owns. The courts ruled that Nancy provided a more stable environment for Alexander and awarded custody to Nancy.
Upset with the court's decision and with life in general, Michael finds himself in his old watering hole on the north end of town. With him are his buddies Jeff and Paul and they are ordering drinks to help ease the pain. The bartender brings Michael a whiskey and places it in front of him. Michael stares at the glass and realizes that this is what placed him in the situation he is in now - losing his first true love, home, money and worse - his son Alexander. He knows that the alcohol will help relieve the pain temporarily but what about tomorrow and the next day. He gently pushes the full glass away and steps out of the bar. He gets into his car and heads north on the interstate towards Memphis. "The city of Jackson and Nancy have not seen the last of