Positions of the Sun at Noon During Each Month
Essay by taye24 • March 17, 2017 • Term Paper • 565 Words (3 Pages) • 1,082 Views
Motions of the Sun
Shantay Jones
Unit 2 Assignment 2
Capella University
Positions of the Sun at Noon During Each Month
The sun moves through the sky like a star, it takes the sun a complete 24 hours to orbits it way around. The earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees to allow for the giant star to make its path around the elliptic. At noon, each day the sun appears to be at its highest point, positioned somewhere in the south. Every month at noon the position of the sun rises on the eastern hemisphere and sets in the western, although we are in different locations observing is where you will notice when the sun is in its actual highest point. Each month around while the positions sun changes, its moving farther out north or south during particular months. I believe the cycle of the month when is sun is repositioning begins around the 20th or 21st. The sun is the highest during the months of June through December.
Seasonal changes of the Sun
The sun orbits around the world by solstice that during seasonal changes weather is the right temperature, that is why it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. During seasonal changes, such as the winter time the sun rises north and sets in the south-east hemisphere where as in the summer the sun will rise east and sets in the south-west hemisphere. Seasonal changes with the sun creates more daylight hours, therefore it is warmer during the summer than in the winter. The suns position and changes during seasonal times are very important because this is a way of telling time and seasons, also it moves with the constellation of the zodiac which can base people’s emotions and behaviors on the suns position. During certain times of the year the elliptic plane and celestial equator aligns themselves creating an equinox depending on the season solstice we are in is when you understand weather it is a vernal equinox or autumnal equinox which occurs only during the winter or summer solstices.