Post Modernism Assess Question 33 Marker
Essay by charloliviia • March 3, 2016 • Essay • 2,090 Words (9 Pages) • 1,459 Views
Post modernism is a theory that emerged in the 70’s which is critical of modern sociological theories, such as Durkheim, Marx, and Weber. It claims that society has moved from modernity and we are now living in an era called ‘post modernity’. Post modernism has had an impact on both sociological theory and methods. Postmodernism is mainly associated with 2 sociologists; Baudrillard and Lyotard.
In this essay we will be looking at 2 main issues. 1. Some of the major changes in society in recent decades. And 2. Theories that have been put forward to explain these changes. Society has been undergoing important changes in recent times, i.e. the growing Impact of new technology and the media, new social and political movements based on gender, environmental concerns etc. Some sociologists see these changes to be major and represent a change from the modern era to the post-modern era however some see them as not significant these are the sociologists that argue we still live in a modern society. As we move to different societies we also need to question the theories we use to understand this new society. Some adopt postmodern theories whilst others adapt existing theories postmodern feminism and postmodern Marxism.
Most theories are classed as modernist theories – they believe that society can progress through the use of human reason. Rationality and science will enable us to discover true knowledge about society and the natural world. With this knowledge we can progress to a better future for freedom and prosperity (wealth).
Some characteristics of a modern society are; ‘The nation state’ the key political unit in modern society – a territory ruled by a powerful state, whose population usually shares the same language and culture. We tend to think of the modern world as made up if a series of separate societies, each with its own state. It’s a focal point of modern society. Modern states have created large bureaucracies and educational welfare and legal institutions to regulate their citizen’s lives. The nation state is also an important source of identity for citizens, who identify with its symbols such as the flag. Another recognisable charachteristic of a modernist society is capitalism based on private ownership of means of production and use of wage laborers. Capitalism brought about the industrialisation of modern society, with huge increases in wealth. However wealth distribution is unequal resulting in class conflict. The nation state becomes important in regulating capitalism and maintaining the conditions under which it operates (organized capitalism). In modern industry production is organised on fordist principles – the mass production of standardised products in large factories, using low skilled labour. Cheap, mass produced consumer goods lead to a rising of standard living. Rationality and science and technology is also a charachteristic in modern society. Rational, secular (not religious/connected to religion) scientific ways of thinking dominate and religious explanations of the world decline. Technically efficient forms of organizations like bureaucracies and factories are dominating social and economic life science becomes increasingly important in industry, medicine and communication.
Many sociologists now believe we are being affected by globalisation – the interconnectedness across countries / nation boundaries, we live in one interdependent village and our lives are shaped by global framework.
There has been 4 major things that have brought about change – technological changes – for example transport, we can now cross entire continents in hours or exchange information globally with one click a mouse, other examples may be the internet, or global television, programmes/documentaries etc are now being broadcasted worldwide spreading information and knowledge globally, creating a time-space compression closing distances between people. However technology also brings risks globally. E.g. greenhouse gases contribute to global climate change that leads to a rise in sea levels and flooding in low-lying countries. BECK argues that we are now living in a ‘risk society’, where increasingly the threats to our well-being come from human-made technology rather than natural disasters. Another major change in society is economic changes they play a big part in globalisation. Economic decisions and activity now takes place globally (like the EU for example) creating a bigger sense of interconnectedness. Global economy is said to be “Weightless” or electronic economy (example - banking). Instead of the production of physical goods, it is now more illegal sharing of music, tv shows, and data processing (piracy). These are produced consumed and distributed through electronic economy.
In electric economy, money never sleeps. Global 24-hour financial transactions permit the done instantly and quick transfer of funds around the world in pursuit of profit. This too contributes to the ‘risk society’. E.g. the world financial crisis on 2008 brought the economy of Iceland, which was heavily dependent on banking, to the point of almost ruined.
Another economic force pushing globalisation forward is trans-national companies. These companies operate across frontiers, organising production on a global scale.
Most TNCs are Western-based. Some, like coca cola are colossal enterprises, and the largest 500 together account for half the total value of the things produced in the whole world. So powerful are the small elite who control these companies, that SKLAIR argues theyre now from a separate global capitalist class.
Another change is political changes – some sociologists say that globalisation has undermined the power of the nation state i.e ohamae argues we now live on a borderless world where transnational companies have more economic power than national governments. State are now less able to regulate the activities of large capitalist companies or projects this is called disorganised capitalism (lash and urry)
Globalisation makes it harder for cultures to exist in isolation from one another. A major reason for this is because of the role of information and communications technology especially the mass media. We now find ourselves in a global culture where Western-owned media companies spread Western culture to the rest of the world. Economic integration also encourages a global culture. E.g. TNCs such as Nike, selling the same consumer goods in many countries, help to promote similar tastes across other countries. In addition, the increased movement of people as tourists, economic migrants, refugees and asylum seekers helps to create globalised culture.