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Poverty Bill

Essay by   •  March 20, 2011  •  252 Words (2 Pages)  •  867 Views

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1 The General Assembly

2 Recognizing that Nigeria is considered a developing country and has experienced

3 economic unrest;

4 Observing that multinational oil companies are obtaining most of the oil wealth

5 while Nigeria's economy still suffers;

6 Concerned that Nigeria's economy will continue to suffer unless the

7 multinational oil companies offer increased aid;

8 Considering that there has been no compromise regarding this issue;

9 Be it Resolved that the countries where the multinational oil companies are

10 headquartered will provide financial aid to Nigeria for improving the living standards

11 of its people;

12 a. Starting June 1, a UN Mission will begin a study of the financial aid required

13 for Nigeria's poor and then how much of this aid will be required from each 14 country housing the oil companies.

15 b. The UN Mission study will be completed by November 1, and its 16 recommendations will be implemented by January 1, 2007.

17 Furthermore the United Nations expects that the involved countries will comply

18 with the financial obligations established by the UN Mission study:

19 a. Failure to comply with these obligations will result in economic sanctions




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