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Poverty in Pakistan

Essay by   •  May 23, 2017  •  Essay  •  831 Words (4 Pages)  •  992 Views

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Current Measures & Measures in Handling the Issues.

There are variety types of remedies by which we can minimize and control poverty. First of all, job opportunities should be provided to the people by the government sector should improvise so that they can earn proper or basic livelihood and their also can live within their means by controlling inflation. According BBC news, the people in Pakistan leaving their country to other foreign country like Malaysia and India; to find a better and suitable job for them in their own credibility.

On the other hand, the gap between the income levels play a major role causing them leave their country because it will affect the living conditions of people. There are three different classes of people in Pakistan such as, lower, middle and upper classes where they being paid with different amount of salary even though they work in same department. Which lead the middle and low class of people find jobs in other country because even though they voice out against it nobody going to listen them. Thus, the money should be distributed equally among all classes of the society so that poverty can be avoided. This can be relate with a quote, by William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the U.S. (1841); the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer”.

Besides that, the government should provide healthy climate for workers because it will increase their work efficiency to reach the firms goals. Because the environment can amplify existing health and safety issues and could lead to new unanticipated hazards. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official page, if a worker who are exposed to extreme heat, prolonged work in hot environments or engaged in strenuous physical activity it’s may be at risk for heat stress. Heat stress can lead to heat stroke, heat exhaustion, rhabdomyolysis (muscle tissue breakdown), and also death. Occupational exposure to heat has also been associated with increased risk of traumatic injury too.

Period of good governance by honest politicians could actually reduce dramatically the number people who suffer poverty. According several surveys, 17.2 of the total population lived below the poverty line and there no differences until now where the current statics shows the percentage getting increases year by year where else the number government  keep on changing every 5 years but there no source of improvement in handling this issues until today. Besides that, the launch of many welfare reforms can make the people hopeful there. This kind of welfare could be helpful for them to improvise their lifestyle. If the upcoming new government launch several welfare across Pakistan will definitely be right choice handling this issue.

Moreover, education shall be made free of cost so that every single citizen will have equal chances to be successful man or woman near future. For instance, if students want continue his high education in Pakistan in not easy task because we should spent large amount of money to get a degree. Not only that, primary education shall be made compulsory. Because, that basic education actually beneficial but the distinct problem is that of child labor. Although most

Pakistani children work in the agricultural sector, a large number of children work in urban centers weaving carpets, manufacturing surgical instruments, and producing sporting goods for export. 90 percentages of workers in the carpet industry are mainly children under 18 years old age, many of them began working in the industry actually before they reach 10 years age. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that child labor has assumed massive proportions in Pakistan. The actual total number of working children in Pakistan is probably somewhere between 8 and 10 million.



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