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Power And Politics

Essay by   •  May 31, 2011  •  3,113 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,400 Views

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After a day of strenuous work in the office, Damien and Steven settled into the conference room over a cup of coffee. Steven was the Assistant manager heading Project Planning department for General Motors and Damien was the Project Planning Executive working in his department. However they did not share a formal reporting relationship. These evening discussions had become routine as the project was at a very crucial stage and both were aware of the criticalities involved in the project. There were some major issues on which an urgent call had to be taken. The project deadline was due by June 2006, it was already January end and time was running out.

"The ordering of the equipment has to be done up the earliest and we have to close on all the issues related to the project", said Damien.

"So, what's the hitch?" questioned Steven.

"I am now in the final stage of ordering the Equipment and Mr. Paul (GM, General Motors) has asked me to consider 'M/s JAK' for the equipment. This means delaying the ordering process, thus the delivery of the equipment and finally not meeting the project deadline", said Damien with concern.

"I very well understand your concern but the boss's word is final. You know he shares a wonderful relationship with M/s JAK, so they have an added advantage in every project." said Steven with assertion.

Damien left the conference room thinking about the future course of action. It was now more than two months that he had spent working out this proposal. Considering another supplier meant disturbing his planning schedule and investing huge time and effort to get the proposal ready again. He was very well aware that a small mistake on his part could lead to the failure of project in the market.

The above situation very clearly explains the influence of Power, Politics and Authority in the Organization. The way politics is used by Managers at the top level is deplorable and can have serious repercussions. This may be the toughest of all areas within corporate life - dealing with power and politics. It can make or break your career, cause many sleepless nights, and often has very little to do with the actual job you thought you were paid to do. Some companies are better or worse than others in the amount of political activity required in order to do your job. In some companies, playing corporate politics is the only job you have time for. In others, it is only marginally important.

Usually, the larger the company, the more part the politics play in your ability to perform.

In order to be successful in the corporate world, people need 'power', so let us understand briefly what actually we mean by Power and Politics in the subsequent part.


Power is the ability to ...

- Get someone to do something you want done.

- Make things happen in the way you want.

Types of power:

The types of power available are formal power and informal power. Smart corporate politicians will build their base of power in many different ways.

Formal power (conferred by the organization): It is most easily recognized in our society: generals and presidents have formal position power.

Position Power: The power of role and the expectations associated with a role or job title.

Advantages: Compliance without resentment. New relationships, triggered by role changes (promotions) enjoy a honeymoon period. Things can be done in that period that may not be accomplished at other times.

Disadvantages: lack of certainty that desired action will occur as the other person questions 'rights' and 'privileges.' Expectations regarding a new role are fuzzy, possibly minimizing position power.

Reward Power: The ability to provide something of value to another.

Advantages: rapid action.

Disadvantages: desire on the part of the other to do the minimum required to earn the reward.

Coercive Power: The ability to punish or to deprive the other of something of value.

Advantages: rapid action, absolute compliance.

Disadvantages: resentment, fear, desire to withdraw from the situation, need for constant surveillance.

Informal power (earned, not conferred): Informal power is less well understood, however, it is far stronger than formal power over the long term.

Expert Power: The power of respect gained as a result of what we know and what we can do.

Advantages: inspires commitment to your approach.

Disadvantages: the gap closes as others become equally expert; need to work to maintain respect of others. Expert power does not generalize from one area to another - need to re-prove expertise in the new area.

Friendship Power: The power of trust, shared goals, sense of identification.

Advantages: inspires commitment to you as a person.

Disadvantages: vulnerability; need to work to maintain trust; trust is very difficult to build and very easy to destroy.

Presence Power: The power of image.

Advantages: gets attention; people listen; people assume you are worthwhile and have something to contribute.

Disadvantages: establishes expectations, which must be realized through words and actions.


Organizational politics is defined as the management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization or to obtain sanctioned ends through non sanctioned influence means. It signifies the non-rational influence on decision making.

 Machiavellian



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