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Principal Induction Program

Essay by   •  April 19, 2011  •  853 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,355 Views

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Induction programs are a key to the success of any profession in the work force, from the unskilled assembly job, to the manager of a business. Such a program outlines the expectations placed on that person, and to help achieve the highest rate of success in their career. Nowhere is this more evident in school systems today. In such a fast paced, high-pressure atmosphere that is under the scrutiny of the public eye, a district employee needs every resource that is available to them to excel. Designing a program for a newly hired principal would encompass many different avenues. It's been said that an educators learning on the job is a life-long process. This is true for teachers, but even more so for principals with the amount of responsibility placed on them. They walk a fine line of not only understanding the school's culture and their place in it, but the managerial aspects as well. They are one of the few people that are placed in the position to diagnose and act on a school's needs. Few other people have this viewpoint. An effective induction program has to meet the wide array of topics that may arise on a daily basis.

Before detailing further, one must stop to think of the goal, or objective of the program. A principal may get pulled in a dozen different directions every day, but their main underlying focus should still be the children. The programs objective should never stray far from improving teaching and learning, so that students are equipped with strong academic foundations. An effective induction program can be the vehicle needed in which to cover all of the numerous aspects of principal's duties.

Implementation of an induction program could work a couple of different ways. Varying school districts have varying methods of incorporating programs. Some districts "encourage" new principals to become involved, and other districts programs are mandated by the state, under recently implemented Education Accountability Acts that are aligned with ISLLC standards. The latter would be the preferred method in setting up a new program. With a state adopted program, there may be more consistency in the material covered, and participation would not only "encouraged", but mandatory for everyone, even the over achieving new hire that feels that they are above such involvement.

Because the daily duties and responsibilities of an administrator are so dynamic and unpredictable, the information covered in an induction program needs to reflect this. Information covered would include relevant topics such as Emergency Management, Finance, H.R., School Accountability, Legal Liability, Facilities Management, and Curriculum. While these topics are concrete, there are several more abstract skills to be covered as well. Principals need to learn that there are other people just like them, struggling with the same problems. For this reason, networking skills are needed. Forming alliances with other principals in the district could provide a system of support for sharing resources and ideas.

Training in leadership and management skills are also important, and not learned overnight. The ability to effectively manage and lead a staff can make or break a school climate.



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