Principles of Health Science Semester Exam Study Guide
Essay by Ashley Nguyen • January 6, 2016 • Study Guide • 1,379 Words (6 Pages) • 1,934 Views
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Principles of Health Science Semester Exam Study Guide
- History of Health Care:
- Ancient times – superstition was everywhere, evil spirits caused disease
- Digitalis (foxglove plant) to slow the heart
- Quinine (cinchona tree bark) treats malaria
- Belladonna (nightshade plant) stops spasms
- Morphine (poppy seed) stops pain
- Egyptians – first to keep health records on papyrus, still believed gods caused illness
- Priests were doctors
- Mummification
- Eye of Horus became Rx symbol
- Greeks – studied the cause of diseases with research
- Lack of sanitation caused illness
- Hippocrates was Father of Medicine
- Aesculapius was the god of medicine
- Romans – learned from Greeks
- Developed sanitation systems
- Sewers, baths, aqueducts
- Dark and Middle Ages – superstition returned as cause of disease
- Only monks and nuns practiced medicine
- Bubonic plague, smallpox, typhoid fever and many epidemics
- Crusaders spread disease, thus were contagious
- Renaissance – rebirth of medicine
- Medical schools started, many books published, dissections were legal
- Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” shows human anatomy
- 18th Century – many discoveries
- Edward Jenner – smallpox vaccine
- Ben Franklin – bifocals
- 19th and 20th Century – even more discoveries
- Louis Pasteur – developed Germ Theory
- Joseph Lister – Father of Antiseptics (Listerine)
- Robert Koch – Father of Microbiology, found TB
- Wilhelm Roentgen – discovered X-rays
- Alexander Fleming – discovered penicillin
- Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:
- Civil and Criminal Law – know the difference
- Criminal – protects from people who pose a threat to society
- Civil – disputes between people
- Tort – a person is harmed by another’s actions or lack of action
- Assault and battery, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, malpractice
- Contract – voluntary agreement between people. Made up of offer, acceptance, and consideration
- Implied contract – not stated in words
- Expressed contract – clearly said or written
- Legal Disability – people who can’t enter a contract
- Minors, mentally disabled, unconscious, drugged
- HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- The four purposes are privacy, security, simplification, and portability of a patient’s health information (aka privileged communication)
- Advance Directives – documents created ahead of time where a patient states his/her decisions regarding health care
- Living will – States what patient wants/doesn’t want
- Durable Power of Attorney – patient gives someone else the right to choose for them
- Cultural Diversity:
- Culture – set of beliefs, attitudes, languages, rituals, behaviors
- Ethnicity – based on national origin
- Race – based on physical and biological characteristics
- Holistic care – addresses mental, physical, and social wellbeing
- WHO – World Health Organization
- Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, not just absence of disease
- Know the basic understanding of health according to different cultures
- South African, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American have strong spiritual beliefs, defmons and godson
- Europeans believed we control our health
- Medical Terminology:
- Study med term glossaries as well as medical dictionaries. Know definition of each word segment and know how to break a term apart
- Prefixes – usually describe position, color, location, characteristics
- Roots – usually a specific body part
- Suffixes – also descriptors or type of condition
Root Words:
- -acro- : extremities (Arms, legs)
- -adeno- : Gland/glandular
- -adreno- : Adrenal glands
- -alba- : white
- -algesia- or –algia : Pain
- -angio- : Blood vessel
- -ankylo- : crooked/looped
- -appendo- : Appendix
- -arterio- : artery
- -arthro- : joints
- -ase : enzyme
- -asthenia : weakness
- -athero- : fatty plaque
- -audio- : hearing
- -auro- : ear
- -blast- : embryonic cell/build
- -blepharo- : eyelid
- -brachi- : arm
- -bronchi- or –broncho- : air passages of the lungs
- -bucca- : cheek
- -calcu- : stone
- -carcino- : cancer
- -cardio- : heart
- -carpo- : wrist
- -cele : hernia/swelling
- -centesis : puncture to remove fluids
- -cephalo- : head
- -cerebro- : brain
- -cervic- : neck
- -cheilo- : lip
- -chiro- : hand
- -chloro- : green
- -chole- : gallbladder/bile
- -chondri- : cartilage
- -chromo- : color
- -cise : to cut
- -colo- : large intestine/colon
- -costo- : rib
- -cranio- : skull
- -cut- : skin
- -cyano- : blue
- -cysto- : bladder/sac
- -cyto- : cell
- -dacry-: tear duct/tear
- -dactlyo-: fingers/toes
- -dento- : tooth
- -derma- : skin
- -duodeno- : duodenum(First section of small intestine)
- -dyni- : pain
- -dys- : difficult/painful
- -ectasis: dilation (stretching or explanding)
- -emesis: vomit
- -emia- : blood
- -encephalo- : brain
- -entero- : intestines
- -erythro- : red
- -faci- : face
- -fascia- : band of connective fibers
- -fibro- : fiber
- -gastro- : stomach
- -genito- : reproductive organs
- -geronto- : old age
- -gingiva- : gums
- -glosso- : tongue
- -gluc- or –glyc- : Sugar (glucose)
- -gyn- : female
- -hema- , -hemato, -hemo- : blood
- -hepato- : liver
- -histo- : tissue
- -hystero-: uterus
- -ileo- : ileum (3rd part of the small intestine)
- -it is : inflammation
- -kerato- : cornea
- -labi- : lip
- -lacrima- : tears/tear gland
- -laparo- : abdomen
- -laryngo : larynx
- -lepsy : seizure/convulsion
- -leuko- : white
- -lingua- : tongue
- -lipo- : fat
- -litho- : stone (Calculus)
- -lympho- lymph tissue
- -lys, -lysis, lyso- : dissolving/destroying
- mal- : bad/abnormal/disordered
- -malacia- : softening
- -mammo- : mammary glands
- -mania- : insanity
- -masto- : breast
- -megaly : enlargement (normal or abnormal)
- melano- : black
- -meningo- : meninges (3 layers covering the brain [dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater])
- -mortem : death
- -muco- : mucus
- -myo- : muscle
- -myco- : fungus
- -myelo- : bone marrow/spinal cord
- -narco- : numb/stupor
- -naso- : nose
- -nephro- : kidney
- -neuro- : nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves)
- -oculo- : eye
- -odonto- : teeth
- -oma : tumor (usually benign)
- -onco- : mass/tumor
- -oophoro- : ovary/egg cell
- -opthalmo- : eye
- -opia : vision
- -optic- : relating to vision
- -oro- : mouth
- -orchido- : testes
- -orrhea : flow/discharge
- ortho- : straightened
- -osteo- : bone
- -oto- : ear
- -ovi- , -ovario- : egg/ovary
- -pancreato- : pancreas
- -paresis : paralysis
- -partum- : birth/ labor
- patho-, -pathia, -pathy : disease
- ped-, pedia- : child
- -penia : deficiency
- -pepsia-, -pepsis- : digestion
- -phago- : eat
- -pharyngo- : pharynx
- -phas- , -phasia- : speech
- -philia, -philic : attracted to
- -phlebo- : vein
- -phobia : fear
- -phylaxis : prevention/protection
- -plasty : surgerical repair
- -plegia : paralysis
- -pleuro- : rib cage
- -pnea : breathing
- -pneumo- :lungs
- -pod- : feet
- -procto- : rectum
- psora- : ich
- -psychi- , -psycho- : mind
- -ptosis : drooping
- pulmono- : lungs
- -pyo- : pus
- -pyelo- : renal pelvis
- pyro- : heat/fever
- -recto- : rectum
- -reno- : kidney
- -rhino- : nose
- -rrhagia : sudden or excessive flow
- -rrhea : flow
- -rrhexis : rupture/bursting
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