Essay by 24 • October 8, 2010 • 1,192 Words (5 Pages) • 991 Views
Sometimes a scientific discovery shakes the confidence of scientists, making
them question whether they truly understand nature's ground rules. That's exactly
what prions have done to scientists' understanding of the ground rules for
infectiousdiseases. Prions cause diseases,but they aren't viruses or bacteria or
fungi or parasites. They are simply proteins, and proteins were never thought to
be infectious on their own. Organisms are infectious, proteins are not. Or, at least,
they never used to be. Prions entered the public's consciousness during the mad
cow epidemic that hitEngland in 1986. For decades, however, scientists had
searched for unusual, atypical infectious agents that they suspected caused some
puzzling diseases that could not be linked to any of the "regular" infectious
organisms. One possibility was that slow viruses-viruses that spent decades
wreaking havoc in their hosts-might be the culprits, and these putative viruses
were not only leisurely about multiplying but also hard to isolate. Now researchers
are coming around, although reluctantly, to accepting the shocking fact that
naked proteins can be infectious.
Prions enter cells and apparently convert normal proteins found within the
cells into prions just like themselves. The normal cell proteins have all the same
"parts" as the prions- specifically the same amino acid building blocks -but they
fold differently. They are much like the toy "Transformers" that were around in
the 1980s. They could change themselves in to be different shapes with nothing
added and nothing subtracted.
Prions enter brain cells and there convert the normal cell protein PrPC to the
prion form of the protein, called PrPSC. When normal cell proteins transform into
prions, amino acids that are folded tightly into alpha helical structures relax into
looser beta sheets. More and more PrPC molecules transform into PrPSC
molecules, until eventually prions completely clog the infected brain cells. The
cells misfire, work poorly, or don't work at all. In mad cow disease, for example,
with their brain cells running amuck, the mad cows wobble and stagger and
appear fearful -their "madness" is craziness, not anger. Sheep and goats with the
disease scrapie, which is like mad cow disease, become so uncomfortable and
itchy that they frantically rub up against anything they can, finally scraping off -
hence, the name of the disease -most of their wool and hair.
Ultimately, infected prion-bloated brain cells die and release prions into the
tissue. These prions then enter, infect, and destroy other brain cells. And, as
clusters of cells die, the brain stops looking like a brain and starts looking more
like Swiss cheese. The medical term for the prion diseases is "spongiform
encephalopathies," in acknowledgement that the sick brains are riddled with holes
and have taken the form of sponges.
Shepherds and farmers whose sheep had scrapie never seemed to get scrapie
themselves. So, for a long time, scientists assumed that the prions of animals did
not cause infections in humans. But, between 1994 and 1996, 12 people in
England came down with Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD), a human prion disease
whose symptoms are not unlike those of the mad cows, and all the victims had
eaten beef from cows suspected of having mad cow disease. In October, 1996,
scientists in England reported that the prions from ten of the British patients were
remarkably like those of the mad cows and not like those of people who died of
"classical" CJD. Scientists quickly realized that the occurrence of CJD in a dozen
people 19 to 39 years old was cause for alarm, because CJD had always been rare
-typically one new case might be diagnosed per million people each year -and
seldom occurred in people younger than 55. This epidemic was something new,
something extraordinary. Scientists now speculate that the prions that started out
in sheep suffering from scrapie made their way into cows and then moved more
recently into humans. Cattle are fed meal made from sheep, the bones and other
waste parts of sheep carcasses. Standard procedures for grinding up carcasses
were altered in the 1970s, and the new processing methods seem not to have been